•Pizza Boy•

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Caspar keeps ordering pizzas so he can keep talking to the cute pizza boy who delivers them.

Inspired by for him. By Troye Sivan.

Caspar's POV

Hours had passed and I was just laying awkwardly yet in a comfortable position on the couch, the ones where you have been there long enough to just put up with not moving, staring at my hands. The sun had gone down at some point and I decided that enough was enough and that I had to do something with the day.

I tried editing videos but even though I loved the filming process of it all, recently as I had gotten to the editing and/or posting stage I began to hate what I had created. I tried watching TV but nothing could keep my attention, I planned projects and scheduled meetings but nothing right now held any of my interest.

So there I was left in the abyss of the crippling loneliness I felt being trapped in the four walls of my small apartment.

I decided that it was probably time for some dinner but could not be less bothered to cook, especially considering I could only cook toast, two minute noodles and microwave dinners (and that was pushing it). So after having a mental debate with my self on weather or not I had the man power to pick up my phone, I grabbed it from the table next to me and ordered a pizza.

Half an hour later I was sitting on my laptop scrolling through tumblr in some sweatpants and a hoodie. I heard the doorbell ring guessing it was the pizza and ran to the door. I paused briefly considering my appearance before deciding that the pizza delivery person whom ever they maybe had no right to judge paying customers and opened the door.

One look, just one look at the beautiful brown haired, blue eyed beauty that was standing at my door with a pizza in hand and I cute little pollo with the logo of the pizzeria on it made me instantly regret not trying a little harder to be visually appealing.

The small delivery man or should I say boy as he looked to be about seventeen though was probably in his early twenties, looked up at me shyly and stared, taken back a bit. Did I smell or something? No I had had a shower earlier that day. I tried to play it cool to make up for the lack of effort and leaned against the door frame.

"Hi." I breathed attempting to be flirtatious. After a few moments the pizza boy replied.
"Hi too... wait what? I don't think that was correct grammar" He told no one in particular. He stood awkwardly before snapping back into reality with a jump and held the steaming box out infrount of him.
"Here is you pizza sir, that will be $9.95(or £ or whatever currency your area of living has.)" He spoke quickly like off a rather rehearsed script.
"Here you go and call me Caspar" I said while handing him a tenner. "Thank you Joe." He took the money and gave me a confused look before answering
"How do you know my name."
"You have a name tag silly, unless you specialise in identity theft which I highly doubt." I smirked.
"No Joe is my name." He replied.
"Good, it suits you, now you better run along now or you boss won't be too happy, have a nice night." I said and he waved a goodbye at me before almost running down the hall and out of the building.

I smiled to myself before reentering the small flat. I spent the next half an hour eating my pizza planing on when I should order my next one, not to soon or I will seem like a pig but not to long or he might forget me, also when else did he work. I had never seen him before and I had ordered my fair share of pizzas.

I decided on ordering one at the exact same time the next week so hopefully then I could talk to the very attractive and might I say adorably cute pizza boy again.

It was a Saturday night. One week science I had had that encounter with the cute pizza boy. It was just past 8:30 pm and I was patiently waiting for the doorbell to ring.

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