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I promised and update so here it is and I hope you guys enjoy :)

Olivia's POV

I'm really trying to understand why Elliot is with Kathy and not his sick child right now and it's starting to frustrate me, yes she got hurt and I get that, but I don't get why his ex wife comes before his son. After going to check on her he returned with cierra and motioned me to follow him outside the room to talk so I did. When we got into the hall I had to ask "are you purposely giving me a reason to be pissed at you? I told you to go check on her not spend most of the night with her"

Elliot: liv this go far beyond what you think. She's in serious danger and e were discussing what she needs to do when she gets out of here. Cierra is going to be staying with us until Kathy's drug dealer boyfriend  calms down. I know your confused and I will explain everything to you. Liv I can't leave her alone while she's in here

Fine, if you want to do that it's fine, but you owe me one hell of an explanation once she gets out of here. I refuse to think she's more important to you than your own son

Elliot: It's not like that at all. I promise you a better explanation soon. How's my little guy doing?

He's hanging in there. right now Noah's asleep and so is Sofia. The doctor said he should do fine, but'm still worried because that's my baby you know

Elliot: worrying is what parents do, so I definitely know how you feel and I really am sorry for not being there. I want you to know that you can ways count on me and I feel like I really let you down tonight

It's okay, you had to protect your daughter and how can I not be understanding in that situation? If sofia and I were in danger like that and the tables were turned I know you'd be there. I can't be upset with you for being a good dad. You weren't very considerate not calling but i wont be upset about that either

Elliot: God I love you

The feeling is mutual stabler,  now go back to Kathy because I have everything under control here. She needs you much more than we do if she's in some sort of danger

He gave me a kiss before heading back to Kathy. I completely understand why he wants to help her, she's the mother of his child and it's great how they can stay civil. After a week in the hospital both Noah and Kathy were released and we all headed back to the house so Kathy could say her goodbyes to Cierra. I can't imagine how hard it must be leaving her baby behind

Kathy: Cierra honey will you b a good girl for daddy and Olivia?

Ciierra: mommy why do you have to leave me? I don't want you to leave me

she started to cry until her mom consoled her telling her that everything will be okay. That scene literally broke my heart

Kathy: baby I wish I could take you with me but I can't. The mean man wants to hurt mommy so I have to go away, but I promise you we'll visit each other once school break starts. Daddy promised to bring you to me. I love you princess and I'll make sure we video chat everyday and night. You'll still get to tell me about your day and I'll read you bedtime stories at night. Don't cry baby girl

Cierra: I will miss you 

Kathy: I'll miss you more honey, can I get a hug goodbye?

Cierra: wait!

she went and brought Kathy her favorite teddy bear then said "take care of Mr bear for me" then hugged her mother and waved goodbye as Elliot  left out to take her to the airport. He had to accompany her on her trip to Dallas so she could know who to meet so he won't be home for a while and i'm okay with that. Once they left out I tidied up then made lunch for us. Noah's feeling 100% better so he's enjoying play time with his sisters 

Elliot's POV

I drove to the airport with Kathy and we were just in time to make our flight. As we boarded the plane I sat at the window seat and she sat beside me staring off into space. I know this must be extremely difficult for her because it's always bee just her and cierra and now it will be just her. I watched as the tears slid down her face so I gave her a reassuring hug 

kathy: It's so hard having to leave her behind, but I got myself into this mess so I have to live with the consequences 

You'll get her back and it's not like you knew what kind of guy he was in the beginning. Cierra will visit you soon and I'll make sure you get to talk to her everyday. Don't act like you won't get her back because you will

Kathy: loving you was the best decision i've ever made. I know your happy with your wife and kids so I won't even go there, but i'm glad we're still friends because in times like these it's good having someone like you and liv on my side. I hope you coming with me didn't cause problems for you with your wife

It didn't, it was actually her idea for me to tag along and make sure you got to your destination safely. Olivia has complete trust in me and she knows your trying to build a friendship with both of us for cierra's sake. We have to co-parent and everyone wants it to go smoothly and it's good how you both can respect one another

Kathy: she's been nothing but kind and accepting to both me and cierra. I can see why you love her so much. She really is wonderful

Yeah, she really is

when our flight landed in Dallas I showed Kathy to my brother's house where she got settled in. David was happy to help me out even though he didn't know all the details. As soon as I got in and greeted everyone I called my wife to let her know that we arrived safe. I know Kathy will be safe with David on his little farm. It's a really nice place and she's always loved horses. I have to help her get settled into the new town so I won't leave for a few days and it will give me time to catch up with my little brother. This weekend will be long without liv and my kids but at least I get to see family because it's been far too long       

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