Happy Birthday (Request)

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Tori's P.O.V

Today was my birthday and of course I would be spending it with my beautiful girlfriend Meghan. She said she had a few suprises for me and I found that extremely cheesy, but cute.

"Hey babe" Kling says as she walks in and wraps her arms around me and kissed me.

"Hey" I say smiling back at her and she grabs my hand.

"You ready" she asks quickly and I nod gathering my phone and messenger bag.

She pulls us out the door and to the car where she opens the door for me and I get in smiling at her where she kisses me and walks to the driver side. When she got in she did her normal process; start the car, buckle, and grab my hand. Doing the same thing that makes me blush everytime she kisses my knuckles and begins to drive.

When we were on our way I knew where our first stop was; the beach. Easily the best and most recognizable place to be and I couldn't be happier. It now made since for her to tell me to wear sandals and I am glad I listened. As she pulled into the parking lot and parked she took off her shoes as I followed and opened the door for me to get out.

"You look beautiful have I mentioned that" she asked and I smile grabbing her hand.



After the short walk we did on the beach we decided to head back to the car as she noticed the sun slowly fading into the sky. Once we got in the car she begin driving only to stop nearly one mile away at a McDonalds.

"What would you like madam" she says in a posh accent as I laugh.

"You already know" I breathe out in the midst of laughing.

"Hi... yes uhm we would like two big macs with two large fries and two chocolate milkshakes" she says before getting the price and pulling up to pay.

Once we had our food Kling reclaimed my hand and we began driving towards the mountains. The ride was silent as the stars began to fill the darkening sky. Beautiful.

Eventually the car slowed to a stop on the mountain and she opened the trunk pulling out two beach chairs, a blankets, and a box. She set everything up so we had a table with our dinner and a candle app on her phone.

"Tori I really just want to say happy birthday to the most beautiful, smart, funny, amazing girl... however it's not my birthday so happy birthday" she jokes and we both laugh.

"I love you" she says leaning over the table to kiss me.

"I love you too."

(Sorry it took forever I had school then after that I had noooo energy but I hope you guys enjoy and comment below if you have any request)

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