History Repeats Itself

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"Nico!" Reyna cried, jumping into the crowd of monsters to help him. "I got your back!" "Thanks!" Nico yelled, slashing at a minotaur approaching with his knife.

Reyna began stabbing and hitting, getting through the large amount of monsters. She was getting dizzy, and soon she couldn't tell whether or not she had the upper hand . "Reyna!" A voice called from somewhere in the crowd. Reyna turned, thinking Nico was in trouble.

Nico was grinning, golden monster dust on his shirt and in his hair. "I got them all!" Then he went pale, and reached out. "Reyna, look out!" Before she could even react, she felt a sharp pain, and her insides felt twisted.

Reyna looked down, and wish she hadn't. A knife had gone through her. Feeling sick, as the knife was yanked out. It was an empousa. Reyna looked up again.

Nico was reaching out, and running, a singular tear rolling down his eye. And then Reyna collapsed, everything blurring out and going black.

She shot up, screaming. Breathing hard, she looked around her, only seeing white. Reyna was wearing her praetor's robes, and looked completely fine. She touched her face. No scratches. Where was she?

Reyna stood, and met eyes with the only thing in the room. It was a girl, wearing a silver Hunters of Artemis jacket, and an old cap. Her hair was a dark black, and her eyes dark and haunting, reminding Reyna of Nico.

"W-where, who?" "It's alright." The girl studied Reyna, and then her face broke into a smile. "Hello. You must be Reyna." The girl came forward. "What an honor to meet you, Praetor Reyna." She held out a hand, and Reyna shook it. "Thank you for taking care of my brother." Reyna raised an eyebrow. "Um-"

"Thank you." The girl said again. Reyna looked confused, and then realization hit her. And then she smiled. "My pleasure, Bianca Di Angelo." Bianca chuckled. "Come with me."

Reyna followed her, and they were walking to a bright light. "Am I...am I dead?" Bianca looked at Reyna. "I'm afraid so." Reyna sighed. "I just wish I could've said goodbye." Bianca took Reyna's hand. "Me too. But it'll be alright."

Reyna looked around. "Shouldn't I be in Elysium then?" Bianca shook her head. "I'm going to take you somewhere better. It's called the Heart. I already took another girl there. Her name was Zoe Nightshade. Are you ready?" Reyna hesitated, looking at the light. Then she gently squeezed Bianca's hand. "Yes."

Together, they jumped into the light.

Nico held Reyna's body, sobbing quietly. "Goodbye, Reyna. Bianca will take care of you." Gently, he closed Reyna's sightless eyes.

The Big Seven One Shots(Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora