You're not alone (13)

Depuis le début

I rang the bell of Dinah's door and she showed up at the door in less than 10 seconds.

-Mila! Come in. Sofi is finishing getting ready. – I entered Dinah's house, but before I approached my best friend and hugged her, to then throw myself on the soft couch, completely sinking my body in it, relaxing fully, I had barely noticed that I was tired, Lauren had wore me out.

-Camila, I know that there is something going on with you. – Dinah started to speak, drawing my attention, before continuing she made sure that Sofi wasn't around – You've been acting strange for a few days now and yesterday, what was that? Calling me late at night for me to stay with Sofi? – Dinah was each day cornering me more, I swallowed hard.

-Dinah... – I tried to speak, but Dinah interrupted me.

-No, I haven't finished. – she said in a serious and harsh tone, I cringed a bit, because when Dinah gets mad you better move out of the way.

-You are my best friend. – Dinah made a brief pause huffing, but not of anger, but rather tiredness, that made my heart break – I will always do everything with my eyes closed for you, Chancho. Anything without expecting something in return, but I just wanted consideration. – she smiled at me sadly.

Dinah was hurt because I kept secrets, but she wouldn't pry, she is the best friend in the world and she is right, I needed to come clean to her about Lauren, but not now, I wasn't ready.

-Dinah, I... I... – I stuttered – I'll talk to you later, I promise. – I smiled and she smiled back, I stared at her and she looked relieved, which relaxed me a little.

-Chancho. – she said coming over and sitting next to me, Dinah grabbed my hand conveying me safety – Is there another guy? Like, Rob is gone? – she asked calmly, but I could see the gleam in her eyes.

I felt like laughing, but I controlled myself, Dinah's pet peeve with Rob most of the time annoyed me, but many times it also made me laugh.

-There. is. no. other. guy. – I said slowly, I wasn't lying to her, since there wasn't another guy, I couldn't feel guilty.

-You are not cheating on him? – Dinah asked confused.

I opened my mouth countless times without knowing what to say, the silence was already awkward, I didn't want to lie, but I also didn't want to tell the truth.

-Kaki! – Sofi's shrill voice caught our attention, I removed my hand from Dinah's hand and got up going towards the little girl, hugging her.

-Hey, are you ready to go? – I asked filling her little face with kisses.

-Ye... Yeah. – I continued giving her kisses, Sofi began to struggle trying to get away – Stop, Kaki! – she grumbled laughing.

I started to laugh along with her and then let her go, Sofi approached Dinah and hugged her tight.

-Bye, aunt Dinah, thank you for the four cheese pizza. – she whispered trying to hide it from me, Dinah hugged her tighter and whispered something I didn't hear, the two laughed and backed away – Thank you so much and thank you for letting me sleep with you. – Sofi's face was red as a pepper.

-I'm the one who should thank you, I'm tired of sleeping alone, you know, I haven't slept with someone in a long time.

-DINAH! – I scolded her, the cynical woman looked at me without understanding my reaction, which made me laugh – Idiot. – I said softly and Dinah shrugged.

-It's okay, Mila, I'm not a kid anymore. – Sofi said, making me look at her with wide eyes just like Dinah, that made my stomach wrap and my throat knot. Dinah and Sofi were laughing.

Dark Paradise (Camren)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant