Chapter 12: Forgivness

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Disclaimer: everything besides Pearlina and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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"Mermaids of Oceantis. They had been founded in 1 BCE or AD by Aegaeonus. Many mermaid around the world travel to Oceantis to see him and the kingdom that was in the southern ocean. He married Cetoa, a daughter of a chief from the southern ocean.

Together, they had a son Palerus who would settle the Kingdom in the near the warm waters off of California."

{Hm...that's new.}

"Palerus was the first mermaid in the royal family to have inherited the power. The power would be passed down to each generation of the mermaid royal family. The power would help protect the kingdom and the ocean."

{Hm...I wonder if I have that power.}

Unfortunately, the book only had a few pages on the mermaids. {I should go back to my room to read my mermaid books.} I walked over to the shelf and put the book back. I walked out of the library and to the stairs. I turned to a corner to bump into something hard.

"Ow." {That really hurt.}


I looked up to see Draco. "It's okay," I said and walked around him and up the stairs. I felt him grab my arm. "Can we talk?" I heard him ask. I turned my head to look at him. "What is there to talk Draco?" I said to him.

I felt him lessen his grip on my arm. "I'm sorry. I forgot," he said to me. I was getting a bit angry. Normally, I didn't get angry often unless someone broke a promise to me or I give someone a chance. I felt my hand turn into a fist.

"You forgot? You really scared me Draco. You know that. " I said to him holding myself back from yelling at him. I saw a frown form on his face. "I'm...sorry. I didn't mean to scare you again," he said to me. I could tell that he didn't know what else to say.

"Can we still be friends?" he asked me. "I don't know. I need to think about it. Excuse me," I said to him and walked up the stairs to go to my room. Once I got on top of the stairs, I turned my head to see that Draco hadn't moved from the stairs. He looked disappointed of himself.

I walked down the hallway to the fountain. I tapped my password to reveal a passageway to my dormitory. Once in my dormitory, I sat on my bed and thought about Draco. He had been trying really hard but, he seemed to not help himself to get attention.

{What am I going to do?}

For the rest of the weekend, I had a hard time sleeping.

Few days later.....


I walked through the hallway to got to charms class. I skipped breakfast because I didn't have much of an appetite. To be honest, I hadn't had much of an appetite for the past few days. I would eat small lunch and dinner. Professor McGonagall would be concerned for me but, I told her that I didn't feel hungry.

Soon, I found the charms classroom and walked inside the room. I sat in a seat and took my book out of my bag to remind myself for the lesson today. We were going to make objects fly. It didn't seem to difficult.

After a while, students started to walk into the room and took their seats. It was Gryffindor and Slytherin today. I heard a chair creak next to me. At the corner of my eye, I could see blond hair. {Draco.} I didn't make any attempts to look at him.


I set my book down and looked at him. I saw a frown form on his face. I could feel myself feel bad. "Here." He set an apple in front of me. "Thank you," I said to him. I took the apple and put it in my bag. "Can we talk?" he asked me. "I don't know," I said to him.

Before I could say anything else, Professor Flitwich walked into the room and onto his small makeshift stool since he was very short. He was a great charms teacher in Hogwarts. I paid attention in his class.

"Everyone. Please grab a feather from my desk please before we start our lesson today," he instructed us. I looked at his desk to see a pile of feathers. {I better go get one.} Everyone started to get up from their seat and walk to the teacher's desk to get a feather.

I attempted to get up from my seat until I felt Draco place a hand on my shoulder that made me jump a bit. "I'll go get us one. Sit," he said and walked over to the teacher's desk. I sat in my seat and waited for Draco to get my feather.

Draco came back with a barn owl feather. He placed the feather in front of me. "Thank you," I said to him. He gave me a small smile. We waited for the rest of the students to sit down with their feathers in front of them.

"One of the wizard's rudimentary skills is levitation. Or the ability to make objects fly. Do you have your feathers?" Professor Flitwich asked us. I saw Hermione lift her feather up. "Good. Now don't forget the nice wrist movement that we've been practicing. Swish and flick, everyone," he demonstrated to the class.

Swish and flick," we copied him. "Good. now enunciate, Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then," Professor Flitwich said to us. Everyone lift their wands and tried to do the charm. I got my wand in my hand.

Everyone either said the spell wrong or did their swish and flick movement wrong. Draco tried the spell and nothing happened to his feather. He looked at me. "You try," he said to me. I looked at my feather.

"Wingardium Leviosa."

Slowly, my feather started to float in the air. "You did it," I heard Draco said to me. Hermione had gotten her feather to fly as well. "Well done. See here everyone Miss Wideacre and Miss Granger done it. Splendid. Well done dears." he said to us.

I tried to concentrate on my feather until I saw a flash of light. Finnigan had charred his feather black. At the end of class, I packed my bag. Draco packed his things and was about to leave. "I still consider you as a friend," I told him.

He turned around and looked at me. "Really?" he said to me. I gave him a nod. He had a big smile on his face. I got my bag and started to walk out of the room to catch up with Ron and Harry. I could hear Ron's words. He was making fun of Hermione.

Hermione heard him and ran off through the castle. {I hope she is going to be okay.}


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