26) Kiss

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BEFORE YOU READ! GUYS! Leave some comments while you read (in- line comments) so I know how how feel about a certain line and stuff. I want to feel the feels through you!


All the air was snatched from my lungs and my mind still couldn't register what was happening. Aiden Stone was kissing me. Holy shit. Aiden's lips were warm and soft against mine. Yet, the kiss was rough and fast paced.

The sound of the door opening causes us to pull apart. I suck in a deep breath to catch my breath. 

"Oh fuck! You guys were just kissing! Woohoo! I was waiting so long for this." Brett's eyes were wide with a huge grin on his face like a kid on Christmas morning. He throws my glasses on Aiden's bed and runs out the room closing the door behind him. Aiden smirks and rests his forehead against mine. His grey orbs stare deeply into mine. We stay silent. My heart pounds in my ears and with his proximity Im sure Aiden can feel it. 

"Im not a pussy." He whispers against my lips. My eyes flutter closed at the feeling of the butterflies that erupt deep within me. 

"Yes you are." I say my eyes still closed. He ignores me. 

"I wanted to do that for so long now." His lips touch my as he speaks. My heart rate picks up again and my breath comes in small puffs.

"Look at me Doll." He whispers. My eyes remain closed and I shake my head ever so slightly. I can't. 

"Why?" He asks. 

"I don't know what to do. Or to say." I've never been is this kind of situation before. What do people usually say after kissing someone?

"Tell me you forgive me." I open my eyes. My dark eyes meeting his light ones.

"I can't." He squints and tilts his head slightly. 

"Im not sure if your joking or if your serious." 

"Im serious Aiden. Im not one of those hoes that you can just kiss and make up with. What the hell was that by the way?" My voice raises.

"I-" I cut him off.

"I really thought I was going to die. Thats why I passed out as soon as I heard a gunshot. That gun was aimed at me. Thats my biggest fear Aiden. Death. Its fucking hard facing your biggest fear." My throat starts to tighten, but I refuse to cry. I should be stronger then that. I am stronger then that. 

He cups my face in his hands. 

"Im so sorry baby. I never want you to feel that way. Please forgive me. I can't bare the guilt."

"Who fired that gunshot?" With all this talking and kissing, I forgot something very important.

"What?" Aiden lets go of my face and takes a step away from me."

"That gun was aimed for me Aiden. I heard a gunshot and passed out. The gunshot was supposed to hit me. But it didn't. Who did it hit?"

Aiden rubs a hand over his face and runs his fingers through his hair. When I figured he wasn't about to say anything anytime soon I speak.

"Im waiting." Any day now. 

"I killed him."

"What?" The feeling of anxiety takes over the previous butterflies, shooting them down to the ground. Replacing them with bile instead, that was very quickly beginning to make its way up my throat.

"I. Killed. Him. I shot him before he can shoot you. Right in the head. He died on the spot. The gunshot that you heard when you passed out, was from my gun. Not his, or anybody else's. It was mine." I go and take a seat on the edge of his bed. This is too much right now. My head feels as if its going to explode. Aiden looks up and sees the look on my face. 

"Im sorry. I didn't want to tell you." I give him a pointed look. Clearly. He smirks at me. 

"What the fuck are you smiling at?" 

Aiden chuckles. "Haha, Im surprised you can still be a bitch with all of this going on." I crack a small smile, but quickly hide it.

"Im going crazy thats why. All of this stuff going on with you, and the stuff going on at my house plus the fact that you just told me you basically killed for me is a lot. My head feels like its about to explode, but for some reason I'm not having a panic attack like I normally would be. Or should be for that matter, because that would make more sense."

"Maybe your just in shock or something."

"Yeah and the fact that I read a lot of romance books and this is the norm in those." So in a way I'm used to it. I think. You know with all of the books where the guy is a killer and then tells the girl. It can get pretty normal after a while.

"What?" He asks?

"Never mind."

Aiden comes takes a seat next to my on the bed and grabs my hand.

"So do you forgive me?" He looks into my eyes, and raised his dark eyebrows in question. He's probably surprised that I'm taking the news of him murdering someone so well. In his defense, I'm quite surprised myself. But that doesn't mean Im not upset or mad over all of the other stuff.

"I don't think theres any point in me saying all this to you and then forgiving you just like that." 

He smirks as if he excepted me to say something like that. He gets up and stretches then begins to take his shirt off. 

"Well you can punish me any day and any way you like Doll." He winks. "Until then Im going to get some sleep." 

My eyes widen at his sexual reference. Plus taking off his shirt! Asshole. I yawn. Hmm I'm tired. Aiden moans as he gets comfortable under the covers. "Mmmm this bed is so cozy and warm." He exaggerates. My eyes shoot daggers at him once again. He knows I'm tired. I groan in frustration and start placing extra pillows in-between us. I don't feel like dealing with mafia asshole right now. I see him watching me from the corner of his eyes with a amused look on his face. Oh how badly I want to smack that look off his face. I turn on one of the black lamps on the nightstand and go turn the light off. Aiden's voice interrupts me once again as I'm getting into bed. 

"You should take your shirt off if your not comfortable. Then we can both be twinning with our nips out." 

I huff and turn turn the other way, my back facing him. I smile a little knowing he's not looking. Twinning with our nips out. Ha. Clever mafioso. Clever. But forgiveness won't come so easy. 


HELLER! What do you guys think? 

It took me SO LONG TO WRITE THIS! Even though its not that long of a chapter. I literally deleted it and re-wrote it 3 times. The thing is I have no outline or anything and Im just kind of going with the flow and writing as I go. So writers block can get pretty critical sometimes. 

BUT I hope you enjoyed and liked it comment and share!!! 

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