Chapter 24

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Dean picked me up for school this morning like he's been doing every day. Things seemed different between us, better. I guess losing Cole brought me closer to him and him realizing his mistakes brought him closer to me. Our robots competition was happening today and I was really excited. We had finished building it last week and I couldn't wait to use it.

We parked in front of the school and Dean got our robot from the backseat. "I can put D.C. in my locker, I have nothing in there," he suggested. Of course he doesn't have anything in his locker. And yes, we did name our robot D.C.

I let out a small laugh and nodded my head. "You do that. I'm going to say hi to the gang before the bell rings. I'll see you at lunch?"

He nodded and gave me a quick peck for carryng D.C. inside. I spotted my friends near the steps like they always are before the bell. I walked up to them with a smile and then noticed Cole speaking to Dylan. When he noticed me he said something before turning around and going inside the school. He was actually going through with it.

"Hey guys," I said as I came to them. I hugged them each one by one. Those in my physics class were excited about the robot competition today.

"We are so winning this," said Mason and Matt fist pumped him.

"Cole and I's is the prettiest," said Ashley with a smug expression. Her friends Tris and Mira were there and obviously boosting her robot.

"It doesn't matter how pretty it is, Dean and I have done a kickass job. D.C is going to destroy your robots," I bragged. We so had it in the bag.

Aiden cleared his throat earnign our attention. "You named it D.C.? As in Dean and Caroline?"

I rolled my eyes at his tone. "No, as in destruction and chaos."

"I like it," piped Dylan. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to pick up my girlfriend from her student councel meeting."

We waved him goodbye and as soon as he was gone someone patted my shoulder. I turned around and found the trio fish from the soccer team. They probably think I'm a bitch since I haven't gone to any of their soccer practices, only their games. Coach called me out on it last week. In other words; I suck.

"Hey boys," I smiled shyly. I was embarassed to say the least.

"Are you coming to practice this week?" mop hair- I mean Eddy asked.

Cole doesn't want to see me so, "I-"

"We thought it would be good for the team if we had fresh competition," said Trevor, he had dyed the tips of his hair a new colour, it was red this time.

"Plus you put coach in a good mood which is always better for us," said Quin, showing of his dimples with a cheeky grin.

I laughed lightly at their desperation of getting out of drills. "Fine, sure, but only 'cause I miss coach."

"And us of course," said Quin putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Hey hey hey." Matt came immediately and lifted his arm away from me. "Hands off the chick."

"Yeah, captain will kill you," said Eddy nervously. Cole would have if he was here, even if the kid meant no harm.

The first bell went off and I said goodbye before going to my locker and getting my things for history. I walked into class and made awkward eye contact with Cole. He quickly put his head down and rest it on his crossed arms. I took my seat beside his, good thing our desks weren't connected or else this would have been a really awkward period. Throught the lecture, Cole never once looked my way, even when the class ended he was the first out the door.

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