Chapter Twenty

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~Chapter Twenty~


"What do you mean there'll be girls there?!" Mom asked, clearly outraged.

"Decker is gay, Mom. He has a lot of girlfriends and he invited them too!" Chase said easily.

"And I have to go! I don't know what other boys will be there and I have to be there for Lee!" I defended. In all actuality that thought had never occured to me until that very moment and now that it had it was at the forefront of my mind.

Mom's eyes softened when she looked at me. I knew she had an idea of what I was talking about. "Do her parents know that there'll be boys there?" she asked, going back into mother mode.

"I'm not sure..." Why do I not like where this conversation is going?

"Let me go get the phone book." Seven words that no son wants to hear.

"No, Mom!" What if Lee answers? How embarassing would that be?!

"Artie, her parents have a right to know." She grabbed the phone book ans sat down on the island in the middle of the kitchen. She picked the phone up off the reciever and paged through the phone book.

I watched in horror as she punched in the number and twirled the cord around her finger.


The phone rang and I got up from the table to answer it. Mum and Dad were both working late and Danny went out for wings and a movie with his buddies. Grandma and I had the house to ourselves.

"Hello?" I answered, the caller ID registered an unknown number. I was hoping for a telemarketer, they really just want someone to talk to... They're usually really nice!

"Hello, Mrs.Jones?"

"Uhmm... No... This is her daughter?" I was so confused.

"Lee?" The unknown voice sounded surprised.


"This is Michelle Kent. Artie and Chase's mother."

"Oh!" Grandma looked up from her hand of cards and gave me a puzzeled look.

"Who is it?" Grandma mouthed. I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled:

"Artie's Mom. This is AWKWARD!"

"Is your mother there, Dear?" Artie's mom asked.

"Uhm no, it's just my grandma and I..." Why did she want to talk to my mother? Was she upset that I got Artie detention?

"Oh perfect. Can I speak with your grandmother?"

"Sure..." I said, giving Grandma a confused look. I put my hand over the phone and said, "Grandma, Artie's mom wants to talk to you..." This was getting beyond awkward.

Grandma hopped up and grabbed the phone. She started talking but I was preoccupied. I whipped out my cell phone so fast I almost threw it at the wall. I scrolled through my contacts before landing on Artie and sending him a quick text asking him why his mom was calling for my mom.

He called me back thirty seconds later. "Sorry! She didn't know there'd be girls at Decker's party and wasn't sure if your mom knew there's be boys!" I rolled my eyes.

"It's for Decker! Of course there'll be boys! He's gay for goodness sakes! I exclaimed. Grandma gave me a disapproving look before nodding her head to whatever Artie's mom was saying.

"Well, it's fine. My mom knows there's going to be boys there. There always is. Most of them always leave before the sleepover though. Oh and make sure you pack your swim suit. Decker has an indoor pool." I said, thinking about the nice pool.

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