Truth or Dare: Chapter 29

Start from the beginning

Before I knew it, a loud, annoying beeping sound dug it’s way into my thoughts.  See what I mean by being able to lie in bed for several hours doing nothing?  Feeling slightly put off, I slammed my hand on the off button and stretched out my arms luxuriously, opening my mouth wide to let go a huge yawn.  Then, after several long minutes of just sitting there, I stumbled to my bathroom and sat on the toilet, relieving myself.

After doing all the necessities and rubbing myself somewhat awake so that my mind was at least doing the normal functions, I walked downstairs into the kitchen to see my mom already up and bustling around.  How she manages to get up so early and do everything that a mother should do is still a mystery to me.

“Morning,”  I greeted, walking into the pantry and grabbing out a box of Froot Loops.  After the first day of school, I refused to let my mom make me breakfast, or let me rephrase that, make me a feast.

“Morning,”  she greeted back, “did you sleep well?”

My mind flashed to the dream I had, and mentally, I debated on whether to tell her about it.  Finally, deciding against it (for it would bring up a lot of questions and questions are best avoided), I muttered a somewhat decent ‘yes’.

“Well, that’s good,” she smiled buying my white lie.

Today was my first day back to school after a long week of only sleeping in and mulling around the house.  Luckily, I managed to avoid anyone from school, although that may be due partly to the fact I stayed home nearly the entire day, unless my mom kicked me out of the house to ‘get some exercise’.  In that case, I walked in the opposite direction of the park, taking all possible measures to avoid anyone I may know, including Dustin and Ever.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the group, but I just needed a break.  A very long, well-deserved, relaxing break that involved no drama whatsoever.  

“Ready for the first day of school?” 

I quickly swallowed the bite I was eating. “Yup,”  I said confidently.  I was kind of excited as well.  Call me crazy, but after not seeing Chez, and more specifically Ethan, for nearly a week, I felt sort of empty on the inside.  It wasn’t exactly an painful feeling, but it was more of a throbbing, uncomfortable feeling.  

My mind drifted out the window as I took in the beautiful sunshine that was kissing the grounds of Villa Park.  Most of the flowers were already in full bloom, brightening up the day with an array of colors.  A few fluffy white clouds dotted the light blue sky, lazily drifting off  in an ambiguous direction.  As if struck by some sort of inspiration, I felt a sudden burst of euphoria.  Unable to fight a wide grin off my face, I watched as a flock of birds flew into the air in a ‘V’ formation, reminding me that Ethan and Chez had already flew back from their vacation in Europe.  

I wonder how England was for both of them?  I thought, digging another large spoonful of Froot Loops, feeling nearly certain that today was going to be a wonderful day.  


“England was amazing,” Chez stressed for the infinite time, her eyes bright and excited looking with a visible glow that was slightly blinding.  Currently, Ethan, Aiden, Chez, and I were sitting at our lunch table, listening to Ethan and Chez tell their separate stories about England.  Basically, the guys and girls of England.

“Let me guess, hot guys?”  I asked teasingly, ignoring Ethan’s scathing look.  Despite the long break, I fully admit that I missed being back at school.  It was amazing to be back with my friends again.  Friends, something I thought I wouldn’t have at Villa Park.  I smiled a bit wryly at my naivety back then; little did I know that I would have a group of friends right from the start.  I guess I can count myself lucky for getting lost on the first day.

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