Chapter 38

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Selena's POV

I had fun shopping today, who knew Jason can be so easy going. He was a great person to be around. He had gone to take a shower.

I sat on the couch in front of the TV. Sometimes loneliness eats me up. I mean I may have Jason, but we don't hang out that much. I could watch television. Ugh, my life is boring, I barely know people, only Ashley. I'm glad I'm so popular.

My thoughts about my oh so famous life was interrupted from buzzing from the table beside me. It was Jason's phone that vibrated.

I contemplated on whether I should open it or not, he did give me his password. I looked at the stairs. Should I?

It vibrated once again, I took it as a sign to open it.I tapped on the bold letters of 'Layla'.

'Can we meet?'-Layla

'It's urgent'-Layla

'Please baby, you gotta come get it or you're gonna lose it ;) '-Layla

My face scrunched in confusion. Jason had someone? I felt disappointed. This may sound sluttish but I thought he had felt something for me. But let's face it who wants someone like me?

I hadn't realized I was in such deep thought when Jason tapped my shoulders and asked what I was doing.

"um it was just vibrating and..." I said handing him his phone. He read the text before replying with a smile and that added to the pain I was feeling in my heart.

"Um I'll be back in about an hour" he said as I forced a smile upon my face.

"Uh bye" I awkwardly waved. After he put on his shoes and then left through the door, i felt a pang in my stomach. He was going to see another girl. I thought I was enough.

Anyways I need to stop bothering with all this depression. I walked into the kitchen and began looking around in the cabinets. I found a new bottle of Grey Goose Vodka. It looked fancy and so i opened it. The smell instantly hit my nostrils as memories came back from when we were in that hotel in Italy, it was an amazing feeling.

I took one huge gulp and cringed at the taste. It burned my throat, maybe it was way stronger than the other one.


Jason's POV

I walked behind the familiar alley and immediately spotted the mop put red hair.

"Layla, stop playing around" I said with all seriousness as she came into view with a wicked smile on her face.

"Oh McCann, you never fail to amuse me, everytime I see you, the more sexier you become" she said coming closer to me. I averted my eyes from her chest as I focused on her face.

"It has been a long time since we met, I have to agree" I said with a smirk.

"Enough with the shit... let's get down to business, you gonna fuck me or take the full money." she said.

"I think I prefer my money" I said watching as her jaw practically drop.

"Ok fine, I was expecting you to go for easy pussy, but since you want full payment, the bank it is" she said pulling out the briefcases which I assumed had $10,000 each.

I took out the three bags of coke and passed it to her as she gave me my briefcases. I smiled in accomplishment,I loved doing business with her.

"Fuck off Jason" she yelled as I walked away.

I simply flipped her off, knowing that's her way of saying 'bye'.


I opened the door to my awfully quiet house.I was confused when I saw the pillows were not on the sofa but it was on the floor. What the hell happened? Where's Selena?

I walked to the pool to check to see if she's there but no. I walked back into the house and paused my movements as I heard giggles from my room. I team up to my room. I found her. On my bed. Wearing nothing but one of my huge t shirts and underwear. With her knees under her stomach. Her ass in the air.

I could definitely felt down there hardening at the sight in front of me.

"Jason!!!" she squealed and ran into my arms. I immediately knew she was drunk after I held her and had a whiff of the atmosphere. While she clung on to me I looked behind her and saw the bottle of Grey Goose Vodka was half empty. Oh shit not again!

"What's going on here Selena?" I asked settling her on the bed.

"I'm trying to do some yoga" she said giggling. Suddenly her smile disappeared as a frown replaced it and she ran towards the bathroom.I heard her retching and I quickly followed behind her pulling her hair away from her face.

"ugh this sucks" she groaned shivering.

"Stay here and let me prepare a warm bath for you" I instructed as she nodded sleepily.

I walked over to the bathtub and put on the tap as it was filled with warm water.I then put a few drops of strawberry body wash to give it some soap suds.

I went over back to Selena who was counting her fingers and helped her take off the T-shirt.

"No!! no more peeking" she said and got up going into the bathtub with her bra and panties.I tried focusing on something else as she unclipped her bra and pulled off her underwear while in the water. For some reason that turned me on.

I smiled at her when I saw she had a contented smile on her face and peacefully closed her eyes. It was rare to see her like this, and I was going to leave her to enjoy the moment to herself.

I went into the living room and tidied up a bit before I crashed onto the couch. I still had to put up my money in the bank.

A/N: So what do you think? Just a filler chapter, the next chapter supposed to have a bit of action...

Hope you enjoy!!!

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