Life of a Malfoy ch. 15

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Harry's P.O.V.



After I had caught the snitch, Lexa got a bludger to her head. Just her luck, right? First game of Quidditch and she was knocked out. 

So Ron, Hermione, the Gryffindor Quidditch team and I were gathered near her bed when they put her in the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey told us she would wake up in an hour or so. We were all talking about the game, and how Slytherin made so many fouls. 

"Why do you guys think Draco Malfoy wasn't playing?" I asked them, and looked around. The question had kind of been bugging me since the match begun. 

"He was probably too afraid he would have to loose to Gryffindor again!" Ginny said, smirking. "I wonder how much he paid Harper to play." We all nodded and chuckled in agreement, and Lexa started to stir. We all stopped and looked at her. 

"Out of the way.. Out of the way." Madam Pomfrey said, and pushed us aside. She got to Lexa's bed and stirred up something in a goblet. I had a slight feeling Lexa wouldn't like whatever she had to drink. 

Lexa stirred again. Her face was slightly paleish, due to her injuries, but it had regained most of it's color since the game. We all turned to her as her eyelashes fluttered.

"I am going to kill Crabbe and Goyle and Zabini." Lexa hissed. "Mother-"

"Language, dear!" Madam Pomfrey said, cutting her off. That seemed to make her more angry. "Drink up." Madam Pomfrey handed Lexa the goblet. 

Lexa seemed taken aback by the purple drink, and slowly raised it her lips. She drank it, and did a double take. Her cheeks were full of the drink because she hadn't swallowed it all. 

"So it's not the best, then?" I said, trying to hold in my laughter. She shook her head, and closed her eyes tightly as she swallowed it. She made a face at me after she finished it. 

"You had two broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, and a cracked skull. It's probably been the worst Quidditch accident I've seen in a few years. You should get some sleep; the bones might be healed in a few days," Madam Pomfrey explained to Lexa, and cleaned up the mess on the bedside table. She then walked back to her office. 

"I am seriously going to kill Crabbe, Goyle, and Zabini." Lexa's face scrunched up, as she was thinking of ways to murder them. "I'm going to boil them in oil, then Cruciate them till they die, then I'm going to have a hippogriff shred them to pieces, and then they're going to be crushed by giants." 

We all laughed with her and her jokes, but our laughter cut off as the Hospital Wing doors opened. Draco Malfoy walked through the door with a letter in his hands. He had his same ungrateful expression on his face. He stopped walking when he was about five feet away from Lexa's bed. She sat up. 

"What do you want?" Lexa grumbled. Draco glared at her, like he was trying to inspect to see if she was worthy to talk to or not. 

"It's a letter, from mum," he muttered, and tossed the letter onto her bed. She looked at the letter, and set it on her lap. 

"Mum?" She hissed. Her eyes turned into slits as she shot daggers at him. 

"Yes, that's who it's from." Draco was getting impatient, and finally strutted out of the Hospital Wing. 

It was silent for a few moments. Lexa then slid the ribbon off the letter and read it. She looked furious. 

"He dare let himself come in here, then declare Narcissa to be my mother! That whore of a woman, lying to a child her whole life!" Lexa half- shouted. I realized only Ron, Hermione and I were the only ones who knew what she was talking about. 

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