What She Tweets About You

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Tobin- @Y/N is so beautiful, smart, and funny! No reason to say this but I feel like this is important to share.

Alex- Guys my girlfriend is sooo cute. She literally woke up at 2am (without wanting to kill me) ready to travel.

Morgan- Y/N decided it would be a good idea to put 'doggie hair dye' in the dogs hair... they're purple now, but she is soo cute.

Julie- Disney movies? Only with the best cuddle buddy ever!!!

Christen- (In reply to one of your selfies) this is art.

Ashlyn- If I had to choose between breathing and loving you I would use my last breath to say I love you @Y/N

Ali- @Y/N started speaking in Dutch, I don't understand it but it's so cute I can't stop her.

Hope- When bae is the real MVP (picture of you giving her a massage)

Kling- I may be short but my love for Y/N is enough to fill the ocean three times through.

Kelley- So I've come to the conclusion that my girlfriend is the greatest thing ever #hacked

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