Growing up (My Wattpad Love's sequel)

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Hello, this is the sequel to my Wattpad Love. This is just a little taste of what's coming.


Growing up.

All rights reserved.


"I want to grow up" Did you say it when you were a kid? I know I did. Have you regretted growing up at some point in your life? Have you wished you could be a careless child once again? I know you have. Everyone has.

The more you grow the bigger the challenges, the obstacles, the pain. Life gets serious. You get serious. You forget to smile at the morning sun shining down your face. You are too absorved by your problems to notice the beautiful world surrounding you.

And when life gets hard, you wish more than anything to turn back in time and be that small child who did not know anything when he said "I want to grow up"

Not all is bad though. Everything becomes more intense as you move forward in life. You experience new things, you're always learning something. That is the way is supposed to be. Growing up can be hard and painful but never forget. ..Growing up is necessary .

I finished the page and let out a long breath. That was just the beginning. I had so much to write after all I'd been through for the past year.

"Jules! Dinner's ready!"

"I'm coming!" I yelled back, getting on my feet.

Are you ready for another chapter of my life? Things are about to get ugly but this is life.

Get your glasses and coffee up, it's time to read and enjoy Growing up.


Growing up (MWL's sequel)✔️Where stories live. Discover now