Chapter 1

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Half a story, half an idea, and half a Snickers bar; writers block to the max. My mind is completely blank except of the thought of half a million followers waiting for me to update my story.

"Why are these people even interested?" I rest my head on the keyboard of my laptop in frustration. A notification appears on the screen as well as a ding. I tilt my head to look at the screen, still leaving my chin on the keyboard. I click on the button in the lower left hand corner reading "one new comment."


I lift my head with a sigh and close my laptop. I just need to rest. I pick up my phone to see two message notifications: one from my best friend Blake, and the other from an unregistered number.

"HEYYYY GURRRRL HEYYY," read Blake's message. I reply with my eyes twitching of sleepiness from staring at the bright screen, but still type; although unwillingly. "I'm really tired, can I call you tomorrow?"

I have always had a thing for Blake. Specifically, since he first transferred to my elementary school in third grade. We've been best friends for seven years. Although, it's hard to believe I'm only a sophomore. I feel like I've been in school way longer than that. I receive another message from Blake, but I don't feel like reading it. I'd rather pretend it was something other than "K," even though I know that's not the case. I imagine sweet, romantic messages and cute little kissy faces and heart emojis.

I lay down in my bed, turning off my desk lamp, but keeping a few dim, twinkling lights on that are draped along my walls. I turn my phone off to prevent prank calls from Jacqui and her friend sleeping over. I quickly fall asleep with my phone resting on my stomach.

****** I know, I know. Slow chapter. But don't worry there is plenty of drama coming her way in the upcoming chapters. Please keep reading! Please follow meand vote for my story! ******

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