Sick Day

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You sighed and reached for the remote on the coffee table in front of you. Today, you took a sick day. Why? Well, obviously you felt like poo. Your girlfriend, Amber, insisted and begged to stay home with you, not trusting you alone. After the cuteness of her begging, you gave in. You knew that a famous KPOP artist, like herself, shouldn't be staying home over something this small and silly but, being the protective and nurturing person that she is, she stayed home with you.

Right now, you were stuck on the couch of this very cold December evening and Amber is at the store, picking up soups and foods that would be easy on your stomach. She had left about an hour ago and could be home at any time.

You flipped through the channels, not seeing anything satisfying. Eventually, you gave up, turning on an anime. You placed the remote on the table and dozed off into sleep.


You were woken by something soft being placed on your forehead. You opened your eyes and saw no other than Amber. You smiled and attempted to sit up. Amber grabbed your shoulders lightly, "No, no, no! What are you doing? You need rest, sweetie!" She said soothingly. You rolled your eyes and laid back down once again. You moved your legs a little so Amber could have a place to sit. "Do you want anything?" She asked. You nodded your head no and snuggled back into the couch, where you previously were. "Have you took your medicine yet?" She asked. "Maybe..." You said, realizing that you haven't and that you honestly didn't want to. "Maybe, hmm?" She asked, looking at you. You smiled and directed your gaze back onto the tv in front of you. You felt Amber get up and walk towards the kitchen and you knew what was about to happen next. You got up quite fast and found a hiding spot. You did not want to take the awful medication that you called 'hell meds'. Hiding may be childish but, I mean, this is Amber.

You finally found a satisfying hiding spot in the small closet at the end of the hallway. You heard footsteps and a voice saying, "Come on babe! You need to take your medicine so you can get better!" You tried your best to stay quiet. You loved her too death but you would not give in this easily. You heard her opening and closing doors and shuffling through rooms. You giggled, a little more loudly than you expected. You quickly covered your mouth with your hands and hoped that your hiding spot wasn't revealed. The footsteps stopped, right in front of the closet door... And after a few moments, it opened, revealing Amber with the medicine in her hands.

You sighed, knowing that you had lost the little game. You looked at Amber's face to see her smirking a bit. You took the medicine from her hands and you pouring the disgusting liquid into the small cup. You took it quickly, trying to avoid the horrid taste that was supposed to be grape. You handed the medicine back to Amber and she grabbed your arm, lightly. "Come on, see? That wasn't so bad!" She said, "Now, it's a little past nine so how about you go lay down in the bedroom and I'll bring you soup, okay?" You nodded. She led you to your shared room and put covers around your cold body. She kissed your cheek and walked out of the door. You grabbed the remote off of the nightstand and turned on a movie. Then, you dozed off, once more, into a light sleep.


You woke up by a small, shaking motion on your shoulder. You look up and see Amber with a small tray and a killer smile. You stretch and sit up. Amber sits the tray in your lap and goes to the other side of the bed. She slips in the covers and makes herself comfortable, then, she slowly closes her eyes. You smile at this, knowing that your sickness had made her tired.

You put your soup bowl in the sink after finishing and then headed back to your shared room. You peek in the door to see a lightly snoring Amber. You smile and open the door completely. You close the door behind you and get into the bed. You turn the light off and snuggle close to her. After a few moments, she pulls you into her chest and kisses your forehead. Then, she mumbled, "I love you." You smiled, and nuzzled your face farther into her chest and exchanged the three words. Even though you were sick, in moments like this, you've never felt more healthy.

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