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Now, I'd been thinking about going to a gaming convention for years, Tyler and I had even planned to go to this one, but if I did go it obviously wouldn't be with him.

But that was okay! I'd been thinking about it a lot and the guys would have my back and hang out with me if I went. I wouldn't be alone. I know for a fact that Brian, aka Terroriser, would hang out with me a lot. He and I had always been great friends and I couldn't wait to see him in real life.

So, yeah, I'd been giving this whole PAX East thing a lot of thought. In the end my decision was easy.

"ME!" I yelled with all my other friends through our microphones as we all crowded around one place in Evan's apartment on GTA.

"Whoa, guys! One at a time!" Vanoss laughed over our screaming, "Okay, Brock are you going?"

"Yup, I'll be there," he said, followed by a laugh. That made me happy. I loved Brock, in a friends way of course.


"Heck yeah! Heard there'd be candy!" Lui said in his squeaker voice.

"There probably will be."

"Probably?" Lui whined, "But I want candy."

"We'll get you candy Lui," I told him sweetly.

"How about you, (Y/N)? You going?" Terroriser asked.

"Yeah, I have to bring Lui some candy!" I said happily.

"Yay!" Lui yelled.

"Then I guess I'll see you there," Brian said in a kind of flirty way. 

"I guess so," I said back with a flirty tone too.

"Ooooo," everyone hummed, obviously catching onto our flirting.

In the background I could faintly hear Tyler sigh or something. I felt kinda bad, but then again he broke up with me, so I shouldn't have to feel like that. It wasn't my fault. If we were together I know for a fact I wouldn't be acting like this. I was loyal, but I wasn't his anymore. 

The guys knew about Tyler and I's past and they always tried to avoid it, but that didn't keep a fair amount of them from flirting with me, including Brian. Most of the time it was just jokes, but with him, I think it was more. I wasn't quite sure how I felt about Brian.

"I'm goin'!" Nogla said in his thick irish accent after everything calmed down a bit. My cheeks were bright red so I was glad no one could see my face.

Everyone else pretty much said they were going and finally it left Ty.

"Fuck yeah, I'll be there," he told us.

I kind of froze up, I don't know why, because there was no reason for me to. Of course he would go, he had tons on subscribers who would love to meet him, just like I did. It made sense the he would go, but it still didn't make it hurt less to think about how we weren't going together and how I was going to have to see him in person for the first time in almost a year.

Soon enough everyone went back to blowing shit up and being crazy. I was kind of silent, as was Tyler, because I think we both knew what was ahead.

I got really scared when my phone went off with a text. I didn't want it to be Ty but I kind of felt like it was. I picked it up and luckily it was just a message from Brian.

B: You okay?

Y: Yeah, I'm just tired.

B: Oh sure, I believe that

I could detect the sarcasm, even if it was just a text. 

Y: Shush Brian, I'm fine

B: Alright... Just for the record I can't wait to meet you :)

Y: I can't wait to meet you too :)

This trip was going to be really fun. I wasn't going to let anything, or anyone, ruin it. 

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