Rowan's Family

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I'm still personally confused about age in this realm but Aslan told me to just worry about the age of people in earth years or Relaine.  So I guess I'm 16 if not 160 in Relaine.  That makes Houston so much older than me.  Maybe after being with the Mages I'll understand more and it won't be an issue but right now it kind of freaks me out. 

"Are you focusing?" Aslan asks and I snap back into reality.  "Your turn to try." She tells me and I look at the target.  The bow in my hand feels heavy as I lift it to the position she taught me.  The arrow I fire actually hits the target this time and she seems a little happier but still annoyed with me.  "Try again and this time really focus." 

It's easier said than done but I know I will have to listen to her sooner or later or I'll be here all day.  Finally, I obey and I let the arrow fly.  It lands right in the middle as I put my bow down.  "That was pretty cool." I tell Aslan and she nods.

"What are you two up to?" Alvar asks as he comes over to us. My heart races in my chest as I try to keep my facial expressions neutral. "I thought you still had dancing practice?" He asks me and I nod.  "Then what happened?"

"Houston was being himself." Aslan says as she nods for me to fire my bow again.  At least I have something to focus on or I might just break down in tears.  I didn't like the way she said he was just being himself.  Is this really what I'm engaged to?

"What did you bring up?" He asks me and I release the arrow.  Right in the center again.  I take a deep breath trying to calm down.

"Age." I say as I look at them.  They might not understand but I'm mentally freaking out right now.  "It's no big deal.  He'll cool down before tomorrow." I feel Alvar watching me.  Man he is not helping things right now.  "It's not that big of a deal.  Men are just jerks." I say and Aslan laughs.  I did not mean to say that and I put a hand over my mouth before I say something else.  I slowly remove it once I have my anger under control.  "Well most guys are." I add the last part quietly but Alvar heard.

"Have people told you about Lisstar?" Alvar asks as I keep practicing my archery.  I try not to tense up as I keep practicing.  I don't reply so he takes that as a no.  "Relaine was founded on pure magic that was inherently good however the people that could not get into Relaine, founded Lisstar.  After a while the two groups blended together and formed one sort of society."  Of course, good has to ruin all things good...

"But there are still people who are more Lisstarian than Relaininan?" I ask as I run out of arrows.  Aslan motions for me to go remove the arrows from the target.  They follow me as I start to remove the arrows and put them in my quiver.

"Yes." Alvar replies.  My hand stops what it's doing and I turn to face him.

"And Houston is one of those people." I say as my heart breaks in my chest.  Alvar doesn't reply  but I know he doesn't want to hurt me.  I'm engaged to a monster...  "I can't wait to get out of this place." I sigh and they watch me.  "I'm fine really."  I put on a smile trying to hide my broken heart.

"We're not so sure." Alvar leads me away from the archery range and we put up the bow.  "Come on I need to show you something."  He takes me to the stable and we saddle two horses.  Aslan says she needs to go train Hailey or something.  I was nervous to be alone with Alvar but at the same time, it would be nice to be away from the castle.  I know he wouldn't hurt me but my heart has feelings for him that I don't understand.  I'm engaged and my heart is yearning for another.  How do things get so complicated?

We mount our horses and we ride away from the house.  We ride towards the forest which is lush and beautiful.  There are flowers all along the trail and it looks so peaceful here.  Alvar doesn't say anything so I have time to think about where my life is going.  Where would I be if my mom was still alive or if I stopped practicing magic? "What are you thinking about?" Alvar breaks the silence and I shrug. 

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