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Draco missed two weeks of school so far, and I hadn't seen a single trace of him since our encounter. I really, really need to talk to him and give him a piece of my mind. I want to know what was going through his head- but It's never that easy with someone like him.

In class, I would constantly stare at the seat that Draco once sat in, contemplating on what I would say to him if I actually saw him somewhere. 

I didn't dare ask around about where he was, but I was still curious.

Archie thought I seemed zoned out all week, too. But honestly, I've got too much on my mind to think about anything else. 

I kept thinking of the friendship we once had, and what we have now. I thought about what it'd be like if I actually gave into him and accepted his dumb offer, and I've even thought about the possibility of it being one huge prank- but... the drunken act seemed pretty real, to me. If it wasn't for that, I definitely would've thought that the letter was some sick, stupid joke Draco and his meat-head gang came up with. 

I've been analyzing words, putting pieces together, and basically going full on Sherlock on the thing. No one knows Draco better than me, not even his own father. So I've concluded that everything was real. 

Since Draco has been gone, harsh words towards me dropped rapidly. I sure don't miss that part, at all. 

His crew looked horribly lost without him. They didn't know where to go, what to say... Its like watching lost pets searching for their owners. I thought it was pathetic.

I know for a fact that Draco remembers what happened, otherwise he would be coming to school. But you can't just skip school here. So he's making up excuses. Or getting his rich and powerful dad to bail him out for a couple of weeks. I wonder what type of lie he's cooked up to get him out? 

I've thought of going to his dorm a couple of times, but if any of his friends witnessed me going in his room, he'd would probably transfer schools, and find more people to torture and torment. 

That's why, today, I've devised a plan.

I have to talk to him, even if it causes me to get in trouble while doing it.

I know that I normally try to avoid him, but this time he's gone too far.

Draco's "bullied" me half my life, and he expects me to just run into his arms when he apologizes? I wouldn't doubt if that was the first time he had apologized for anything. He needs to know how it works.

I do miss the old Draco, I always have, but there comes a point when the damage is too much and no matter how good it once was, the memories can't sustain me. 

"Vic, eat." Archie commented, nodding his head to my plate of food. 

I shook my head to snap out of it, and took in a deep breath.

"Sorry, sorry... hey, do you mind being a witness for me?" 

Archie chocked on his food and looked up. 


"A witness, okay? Just trust me." 

"A witness for what?" 

"I'm uh, I'm going to try to get Draco in trouble for something. Not too big, just enough to where he has to go to Dumbledore's office with me. I don't know what yet- any ideas?"

"You could tell the truth and say he's been bullying you." He shrugs, taking a drink of his pumpkin juice. 

"Archie you're a genius!" I stood up and grabbed his shoulders, smiling. Archie's eyes widened and he tilted his head back. 

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