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It was a particularly cold and windy day,  not great to be trudging on the sidewalk getting to class. But Jimin never minds a little chilliness. In fact, he loves the feeling of the soft breeze brushing past his warm skin, and through his luscious red-locks of hair.

Approaching the school doors, Jimin clutches the four paintbrushes he had been holding. He swiftly opens the doors, expecting to continue his short walk to the art room. His gaze sets on a black-haired boy with big, puppy-like eyes. Jimin takes notice instantly of the way the shadow of his facial structure made him look so masculine. But even just watching the way the boy reacts to his foreign surroundings can show that Jimin was his senior. 

Multiple times a day, this mystery boy was laid eyes on by the starstruck red-head. He wants to know him. Jimin studied him like a piece of art, digging down deep to know more. 


The entire setting seemed so vivid to Jungkook. There was the intimidating-looking building, constant crowds of students trying to get to their next class, and the fact that he had no coordination with the map and with where he actually was inside the seemingly large school.

It took no more than twenty minutes to scope out his chemistry class, although it had already started. The entire two-and-a-half hours left of the class consisted of Jungkook staring down into his fiddling hands, afraid of the stares he received from previously walking in late. 

The bell rings indicating freedom, Jungkook plods out of class to realize astronomy is on the other side of the school. 

Why did I choose this?  He thinks to himself. 

Repeated days go by and he starts to get used to having to half-sprint to his classes before his two-hour break. 

Jungkook spent this break in a small coffee shop connected to the college. It was quiet and peaceful, mostly full of students typing up an essay due in less than an hour. 

He watched out the large window or glanced down at his phone, whatever he could do to avoid human eye contact. Jungkook always thought of himself as an introvert. He never wanted to catch attention, he just went by through school with a minimum amount of friends. That's the way he wanted to be, unnoticed. 

But it was on the way to his astronomy class, that for what he thought was the first time, he was noticed. 

A red glimpse was caught in the corner of Jungkook's eye when he was handed a small page, ripped from a book, folded into an origami boat. He continues his way, realizing he would be late if he had turned around to ask about the situation. Inspecting the small, slightly crinkled boat, he catches the small note written on the bottom. It was written in the most delicate, cursive, fine-point sharpie. I think you're cool.

The small sentence, containing six words, brought the smallest grin to Jungkook. Whoever this mystery person was had caught his attention, and Jungkook didn't know whether to feel nervous, complimented, or creeped out. He had never had a secret admirer, nor did he believe they existed. 

He steps into his air-conditioned classroom, taking a seat in the back. He reaches in his bag for a loose-leaf piece of paper and a pencil to write this mystery person back. But what is there to say? Yes, Jungkook wants to know who they are, but his instinct is just to push people away. So, how does he reply? He decides on a simply stated compliment, much like one that was given to him. 

So is your hair. 

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