Chapter 37: I'm Not Living With These Lies

Start from the beginning

It's like she wants Carter herself.


The rest of the day yesterday, I distracted myself with YouTube. I swear you would start with a music video of Miley Cyrus singing We Can't Stop while she twerks and everything (note taken: do not watch that again) and end up watching someone teach me how to act like a cat. Yes, it actually happened.

By the time it was time for me to head to bed, I was so tired, I passed out within minutes. That's what lead me to sleeping through my alarm clock. Trust me, that's the worst thing that can happen to me. Even when I was late for school, no one ever bothered to wake me up if I slept through the clock. Mum would be asleep and Dad would already be at work. Perrie would assume that I went earlier and leave without me. Every time I slept through my alarm clock on a school day, I ended up going to school looking like a hobo.

I hopped into the shower and showered as quickly as a girl could manage. I applied some makeup while my hair dried in its towel turban. I picked out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, not caring what I was wearing since they'd give me some other clothes to wear once I was on set. I put my hair in a messy bun and tugged on some converses.

I got to work on time- thank the lord. But unlike everyone, I looked like I had just crawled out of hell. Well that might be a little exaggerated, but that's what I felt like and was so sure that I looked like.

A familir red head bounced towards me. 

"You look like you just woke up," she commented.

"That's because," I checked my phone for the time, "I woke up forty five minutes ago and got ready in thirty minutes and came here."

"Well did you-"

"Ah Penelope! You're here!" Tomas, our awesome producer of course, said. "Good good good. We need you and Carter to film that scene ASAP so you go ahead and scurry off to get ready. You look nothing like you should."

"You're so nice," I rolled my eyes.

"Yes I am yes I am! Now less chit chatting and more...getting ready for you. Let's get a move on here. Go Penelope. Go."

I did as I was ordered. I got my makeup done, hair done, and got some clothes to change into. They had dried my still damp hair and put makeup and my clean fresh face. The outfit I got was a simple gray v-neck t-shirt and jeans that I could've easily just picked out of my closet as well, but I didn't tell anybody that. That would just make all these earlier risers crankier than they already were.

Carter was already ready as I approached the set. He was sporting a white tank under a plaid shirt, left open. The tank was so form fitting on him to the point where you could see the outline of his defined six pack under the shirt. Dear Lord help me. His jeans were hanging on his hips, dangerously low, but the smile I had always seen on his face when I approached wasn't there anymore. His lips were drawn in a tight line, and his eyes lacked emotion.

What happened?

"We need to perfect this!" Tomas said. "This is the kiss. This kiss is important. I don't care if your lips are swollen by the end of the day. You will get this right if I have to die! I don't care if Penelope needs to reapply lip gloss after every kiss because we will get this right."

"So I guess we'll be kissing a lot..." I lightly chuckled.

"Ha...yeah," Carter replied. His smile was forced.

Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. 

"Okay. We're gonna do this. You two are in love so this should be really easy. Easy as breathing...unless you're underwater or something...or old...anyways, let's do this shit," Tomas yelled.

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