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Taki's Pov:

"Who are you and what are you doing here!?" Zeus thundered standing up.

"We are the Chaos army, who else would come to help clean up your mistake... Zeus" I growl making my self-look tougher.

Zeus sits back down. "Okay, well it was an accident."

"I highly doubt that" Ares hissed.

"It was, I was there remember. He tripped over something and then Kronos face showed up thanking him" Hades muttered, trying to defend Zeus.

" Okay children. Stop with the bickering. We are here to help." I boomed, getting agitated.

Poseidon rolls his eyes and asks. "Who are you, I mean your names?"

"Well you used to know all of us, but it is not my choice to tell you who we are, it is theirs," I growl, actually trying my hardest not to break down.

I pointed to the army. Just then as I was about to say something else to the Gods. Luke came up and tapped me on the shoulder. I look at the Gods really quick and walked over to the rest of the army with Luke.

"We just agreed that we would like to tell the gods who we are, as well as the camp when we get there," Charles tells me.

I nod, "Okay, I will tell them and remember Luke you were forgiven for your mistakes."

"Okay, doesn't mean I still can't be scared," Luke confessed

"I know." I pat his back.

I walk back to the Gods and tell them what was going to happen.

"The Chaos army, excluding me." I had to make sure that was clear... "Has decided to tell you their identities."

"Okay, well we will wait till you are ready to present yourselves." Apollo states leaning forward in his chair.

Just as Apollo said that Bianca, stepped forward in front of me and pulled down her hood. Everyone gasped.

"Hi everyone." She beamed.

Hades stands up and stumbles toward her, "What...What...How you died." He stutters full of shock.

"Yes, but since the Army needed people, Taki decided that I was a good choice so he brought me back." Bianca giggled looking back at me for a moment then back toward Hades

"I am so happy you are alive." Hades chimed, I swear I have never seen him smile so brightly.

"Thank You!" She smiled

Hades shrunk down to her sized and hugged her. He was so happy tears were in his eyes.

Next was Zoë Nightshade. She got one of the biggest welcomings from Artemis I have ever seen. She was just so happy to she Zoë again she actually was starting to cry.

Everyone went and showed their Identities, except Luke, he was hiding behind me.

"You know we all forgave you right?" I tell him trying to get him to, show his identity.

"Ya, I am just scared of my father's reaction, what will he do?" Luke questioned, rubbing his arm.

"He loves you now go show him who you really are." I smile, stepping behind him and pushing him forward.

Luke, continuing to rub his arm, gulps. " Hi, and before I do this, I want to say I am sorry for what I did in my previous life."

Luke pulled off his hood and looked up. Hermes was there in a matter of second embracing his son in a hug.

"You have no need to be sorry, We forgave you right after, you died. I have missed you so much." Hermes rejoiced, seeing his son.

"really?!" Luke asked shocked, "I thought you would hate me..."

"I could never hate my son," Hermes tells Luke, with a facial expression that was sincere. Hermes and Luke stand there in each other's arms. Until Zeus had to go and say something.

"I am sorry to break this precious moment, but I would like to know, who you are" Zeus snapped, pointing at me.

"Well, I am Taki, I thought we already covered this." I snap right back at him.

"You didn't tell us your name," Poseidon remarked.

"Oh, sorry about that, well my name is Taki," I state

"That is not your real name is it?" Poseidon inquired.

I roll my eyes and growl. Of all people to be the one to do the most snooping. It had to be my ex-father! " In fact Poseidon it is"

"Okay," Poseidon shouts throwing his arms in the air.

Zeus starts to talk again taking my attention off of Poseidon "Now that we got that covered. Back to the main reason why you are here, will you be able to help us or not?"

"Are you questioning the Chaos army?" Luke, steps forward crossing his arms.

Zeus shakes his head, "Of course not."

"Yes, we will help, but we also need the help of the camps, Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood are still getting along right?" I ask, pulling Luke back by my side.

"Yes, they are. They are really close friends, and some of the Demi-gods consider them family." Zeus smiles,

I nod, knowing that the camps were still friends, made me smile. "Okay that is good, now all we need to do is start training the camps for battle. Oh, and did Kronos say anything else to you?"

Zeus ponders for a moment

"No, I don't think so, he just said I have something big planned."

"Okay so that means he could be waking up a bigger threat or, he said that..." I start to say, but I start to a cough and wheeze.

Everything goose fuzzy. I let out a painful shriek when a sharp pain goes down my back. Then everything goes black.


Sorry for the cliffhanger, but man I could not resist it.

Also sorry for the lack of updates, let's just say that school has been keeping me on my toes.


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