Logans p.o.v

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"So this pack has really improved your skills",I say as I entered their pack gym. She tensed suddenly then whipped around flinging knives at me,before i could react they lodged themselves in my shirt and the wall. She walked in front of me her silver eyes glowing with fury "Yes they did Christopher had a very good part in that of course, he fed me,loved me,and cared for me when my own pack turned against me.",she said with a sneer "Isa ,i "Dont call me that only my boyfriend and close frieds and family can call me that",she snarled at me the silver in her eyes gone being replaced by black. " Isabella Im sorry for everything,for rejecting you,for letting them treat you the way they did Im sorry very sorry",I said my eyes pleading her for forgivness. "s sorry your sorry YOUR SORRY ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME THEY TREATED ME LIKE SHIT FOR YEARS AND YOUR SORRY MY PARENTS DIED IN FRONT OF MY EYES WHEN I WAS A KID I ALMOST FUCKING DIED BECAUSE YOU MARKED MY FUCKING SISTER AND ALL YOU HAVE TO FUCKING SAY IS SORRY" she growled grabbing my neck sqeezing it. She continued squeezing to where i couldnt breathe then suddenly she let go and looked like she was having a conversation soon she dropped to the floor sobbing when Christopher burst into the gym gathering her up into his arms, my howled with fury but Christophers snarled at mine "she not your she never was he",seethed venom in every word "she was my mate she was destined to be with me",i said angrily "yeah well you messed that up big time buddy especially since you marked her sister as his mate",he said picking her up then leaving

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