Lone Wolf

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Denis was right. I was faster and able to out run the wolf pack in a matter of seconds. None of them were able to catch up with me. I was running for almost half an hour, and the strange thing was that I never ran out of breath. I wasn't getting tired, and my legs weren't hurting like I would have expected.

I actually felt bad for running away from them. I knew all they wanted was to know if I killed Zach and why. It wasn't like I had planned it, it just happened. And no, I still don't feel bad for it, he deserved it. He killed four people in my family, and I only killed one. Well, I guess two if you count Cam. Okay, I'll admit he didn't deserve it, but I couldn't get over the rage inside of me. It had consumed me and I couldn't control it, so I let it out.

I had finally ran out of the forest and was running along side a road. There weren't any signs of life anywhere. No homes. No buildings. No people. Nothing. Just a road that seemed to go on forever. I decided this would be a good time to practice my new abilities. By that I mean smell, hearing, and sight. All of these senses had become stronger and much more useful. I started to walk slower and focus on my smell. I took a whiff of the air and has hit with all kinds of smells. Nature, animals, dirt, concrete, and gas from previous cars on the road. I coughed at the sudden jumble of scents.

I tried to think of one thing to scent out and immediately thought of Denis and the pack. I remembered the smell of Denis when I sat down next to him on the tree. He smelled of dirt, trees, and sweat. I thought of the smell and sniffed the air. I could smell it off in the distance, far off. 4 miles. My inner-wolf said. Somehow I knew the almost exact distance of where he was at. He was getting closer and as he did I could smell more scents. The pack was catching up to me. Without thinking of where to go, I ran in the opposite direction and didn't stop for at lease a hour.

I reached an abandoned two-story house on the side of the road. I sniffed the air to make sure the pack wasn't anywhere near me before I decided to check out the house. It was old and torn down. Perfect for a lone wolf with no home. I stepped inside and saw everything either broken or burned.

Inside the building, on the bottom story, was a living room, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and a fair sized bedroom. On the top story were three bedrooms and a bathroom. I was in one of the top bedrooms when I noticed the closet had cloths inside. I remembered how my cloths tore off when I turned wolf, so I walked over to the closet.

Most of the cloths looked about my size. Kinda funny how this person had the same size as a 15 year old girl. How are we going to do this? I thought as I was thinking of how I would turn back to human. Ok, maybe sense you turned because you were scared, the way to turn back would be to just calm down. Like when the boy petted your head, you calmed down. I took a deep breath to calm myself down, and just like i thought, I turned human.

Relief covered my and I immediately grabbed a shirt and pants to put on. They were a bit big but I didn't mind, as long as I had something. I walked downstairs and to a window. Sniffing the air I checked to make sure the pack wasn't near before I jumped on to the couch and let sleep consume me.


   I was running down the hill, away from my brother. Elijah was never really good at tag. Even though he was older by three years, I always seemed to be faster. "You'll never catch me alive!" I shouted as I ran through the valley. "That can be arranged!" He shouted back as he pulled out a toy bow and arrow my sister played with.

   I sarcastically screamed as I made a sharp turn to the right. I chuckled as Elijah almost fell from trying to turn as well. He shot a toy arrow near me causing me to turn left, into the forest. Yay, I know this place like the back of my hand, he'll never catch me! I ran making my way to a secret spot where I knew he wouldn't be able to find me at.

   I hid down in a small hole in the side of a hill. Elijah stopped right outside of the hole without even noticing I was right next to him. I jumped out and gave him a good scare. He screamed like a five year old, even though he's 18. "NALA! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" He smacked the back of my head. I stuck my tongue out. "Good!"

   He chuckled. "Alright, you win. Let's head back home." I nodded and we started to walk back home. On our way I heard a growl come from behind us. I turned my head sharply and saw a grey wolf staring at me and my brother. I grabbed Elijah's shoulder and began to run. Unfortunately, the wolf was faster and managed to attack my back. I turned to where my body was facing upwards before falling to the ground.

   I heard my brother scream. The wolf was on top of me growling. But them something strange happened, it began to talk. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" It yelled. I screamed and struggled under its grip. "IT ISN'T REAL! WAKE UP! IT'S NOT REAL!" He shouted again which cause me to scream again, louder.


   My eyes shot open. I saw a boy around my age sitting on my chest, shaking my shoulders. His eyes were closed and he was only a few inches from my face. "ITS NOT REAL!" He shouted and I put my hands around his neck to let him know I was awake. He looked at me with big eyes. "Who are you?" I asked.

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