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6 Maret 2016, pukul 00:54 wita.

Oke, udah 10 menit dan baru nulis sampai sini.



Kenapa nulis chapter yang gak nyambung sama cerita Dylan di dalam cerita Dylan?

First, it's my own story.

Second, i want it.

Third, too lazy to make new story.

Last, got no inspiration for the next chapter a.k.a buntu.

But the most important is, her.

Dulu waktu dia operasi untuk pertama kalinya, jujur, takut banget. Khawatir kalau bakalan terjadi apa-apa ke dia, secara kita jauh, gak bisa ada di sana untuk dia. Tapi waktu itu handphone nya dia kasih ke sahabatnya, jadi masih bisa tau gimana keadaannya. Dia koma hampir 5 hari waktu itu, dan sumpah, itu salah satu hari-hari paling berat.

Tapi tetap yakin kalau dia bakalan balik. Dia sudah janji. Dia bakalan balik.

Selama 5 hari itu tetap nunggu dia, dan ya akhirnya dia bangun. Dia kembali. Bersyukur banget sama Tuhan.

Kemarin malam dia operasi untuk yang kedua kalinya. Rasanya sama persis kaya yang pertama, bedanya kali ini jauh lebih yakin kalau dia bakalan baik-baik aja. Kenapa? Because I believe in her.

Tadi siang dia bilang that she loves me. Kata-kata itu sudah cukup banget buat tetap percaya sama dia.

Entah apa yang ada di dia, tapi ya, i love her so fckin much!

I told her that i love her to the Mars and back, and then she asked "Mars. Why not Saturn?" I said, "Because I love Mars. It's red, and maybe we could live in Mars. In 2014 0r 2015, water was found there." She said, "Hm. Red is your fav colour." Me, act like I'm a romantic person, I said "But I can love you to the Saturn and back too." and then she said, "Aku gak mau jadi alien."

See, dia mengacaukan atmosfer romantisnya. But i still love her.

Dia selalu terlambat, dari dia masih SMA sampai dia kuliah. Kuliah yang masuk sore pun dia masih terlambat. Dia masih cadel R. Dia masih suka gigit jarinya kalau lagi nonton tv. Dia masih suka makan sate. Dia masih manusia keju. Dia masih suka ketawa gak jelas, but damn! I love her laugh! Dia masih manja. Dia masih sama. She is my same old love.

I set her free, I let her taste another love. And I'll let her stay if she loves me for real, and i will let her go if she thinks that she finds someone better than me. Yes, i will let you go if you want.

But i will never give you up, because you know, you worth it.

I hate you so much, so much hate until i cant live without you, until i cant sleep without dreaming about you, until i cant stop staring at all of your pictures, until i re-read all the conversation we had and still want to read it again, until i know that i just hating on my self because i'm in love over and over again with you. I hate you that much, bae.

I love the way she smiles, I love her cute dimples, I love the way she giggles at me. I love her black eyes, I love her pink lips, I love her moles, I love her weird eyebrows, I love the sound of her breath, I love her "R", I love the way she mad at me. Damn, I'm in love with her!

I love everything about her. I love her for who is she.

Much love,


  6 Maret 2016, pukul 2:56 wita. 

NB : Itu lagu favorite dia. Dia berkali-kali buat status "Riptide", secara diam-diam, well, nyari apa makna dibalik "Riptide". Dan akhirnya ketemu, Taylor Swift covers Vance Joy's Riptide.

13 Maret 2017, pukul 12:15 wita.

and it's over. she's gone, i knew she would. 

she looks happier, she does. she found a new lover, that was my "sister".

don't know if i still in love with her or not.

i find peace when i think about her and all the memories.

wondering if she still feel the same, or maybe just thought of me or our memories or good things i did for her or bad things i did to her.

just stop blame your self, it's not your fault. you just an ordinary dumb ass girl, you can't fix anything. and don't you ever dare to feel sorry about me, cause if i know you do, i swear i'm gonna cut you off. cause fuck it, i ain't that weak!

well, rumors flies. they said that you're a, b, c, d, e, but as long as i know you, i think you're f. but yeah, still don't know the truth and i think that's not my problem. it's your responsibility to God, right?

and yes, i have that bad mind. i wish i hurt you so bad when i had the chance but i let you lived, and i regret it (:

and i have another bad mind, well.. uhm, yeah, you know about it.

lol, i'm sorry, i don't mean to, but it keeps rushing my brain, especially when i wake up in the morning. and it's not my fault tho. you fell in love with a bad girl. and you promised me "something" when you turn 20. well, i don't put my hopes up that you will make it, but, seriously? you fucked me up that i almost die, and you still giving me shit after all these years? you kidding me.

and i just want to ask, "kok betah pacaran sama manusia receh?"

well, i'm really sorry (again), but her humor is lame asf that i rather die than hearing her receh jokes.

uh, well, yeah, i'm sorry to you if you read it, but i just.. you know, i just saying what i thought, and everybody thought. 

i just 18, i deserve to laugh at my enemy's weakness tho.

no, no, i don't like it when i turn someone from "sister" to enemy, and believe me i never be enemy with my sisters, cause seriously only best people can be my sisters, and you're not one of them. you just older than me, and we used to be in the same "place" and i just respect you, that's it.

and i know i'm a savage and a fuck girl, but believe me, i might be drunk of college's stuffs right now.

and i just wonder why tf she haven't die yet? i don't wish you to die, i don't mean it, seriously.

it's funny how my brain fought my heart everyday. just to wondering what tf is happening. real funny.

lol, i'm such a savage. i never change, this is how i have fun. and i dont know why i never been this fun when i'm with you. awkward. 

Much quality jokes,

not yours anymore.

ianying, ada di komen btw, bank sat hahaha..

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