More Than Meets the Eye

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"It is." Althea smirked, her signature intimidating smirk.

"Shoot away."

"It actually involves one of you here. Would you still grant me that wish?" Althea asked all of us and our friends nodded right away with affirmation.

"Come on Althea what do you want?" Sally asked

"I wanna make out with Jade, like seven minutes in heaven played by sixth graders." Althea suddenly blurted looking at me intently, silencing Batchi, Sally, Wila and Pearl.

"Althea - -"

"Come on Jade! It's my last wish before I marry Kathleen." Althea convinced

"It's not funny Althea. No."

"Please? You told me you'll grant me my wish! Right?!" Althea turned to our friends who are as shocked as I was.

"Dude, no that's below the belt." Batchi dismissed

"Batchi's right Althea, Jade's your best friend why would you insult her that way?" Sally seconded

"It's just a kiss." Althea shrugged off

"Althea it's not going to be just a kiss." Pearl explained.

"Fine." Althea said shrugging off what just happened, the awkward cloud instantly found it's place above us after Althea's wish.

Nonetheless Batchi's natural happy aura killed it off easily and we are still able to pull of a good send off party for our dear Althea who's really acting weird all the while.

It was midnight when the party finished and our friends went home. I was helping Althea clean up, none of us were talking.

"You - - you should just leave that, I can clean it up tomorrow. Rest Jade. I'm sorry about earlier I wasn't thinking straight." Althea said while she's drying the plates she just washed.

"It's fine, I'm almost finished anyway. And it's okay Althea but can I just ask why would you say such thing in front of our friends?"

"I don't know either, I guess I'm looking for thrill."


"Yeah, one last nasty adventure before I settle down and spend the rest of my life being someone else's wife when all this time I wanted to be yours!" Althea suddenly blurted with much anger than I expected.

"Althea - -" I stalled speechless of what I just heard. She turned to my direction and leaned against the sink.

"You heard it right. I am a fucking mess, I am not okay, I'm never going to be okay especially when you're all around me. There's something in me that's really haunting and scary Jade and it grows every time you're with me."

"What are you saying?"

"Last night all I could ever dream about was you and me having sex! Okay?! Happy?!" She shouted as she walked towards me only stopping halfway when I took a quick step back.

"Every time I close my eyes, all I see is your face, and when I fall asleep it's like I'm awake somewhere far from here, somewhere only the two of us mattered. And it's not okay Jade." Althea cried.

"Althea - -"

"Don't come near me. I might not be able to control myself." She held her hand up to stop me when I took a step forward, looking away from me.

"I shouldn't have fucked with your mind and your life." I said and she reverted her attention to me.

"Well you already did, either way if you did not, I would've lost my mind just the same. What's with you Jade? Tell me something I don't know. I-it's like you're a tattoo I can't get you off me." Althea broke down.

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