Entry Log: 0001

6 1 0

1200 Hours

"Test subject 717 is showing the marks of a solider. Although he may be young, we do not know for certain that he can perform a leadership role. The traits he has shown of character make him the perfect subject. 717 has also shown that he can be prideful. This pridefulness can lead to different developments to stress from over working trying to prove he is always better. But he has also shown that he is caring and willing to help others. From observing from time to time myself, he likes to challenge himself. Not only that he will help others around them but still put it in a way they understand and still make them think. I think he will accelerate quickly to becoming a high rank. That is if he survives.
The results on his IQ level were normal sadly. But that wasn't all that came back. His genetic makeup was incredible! It was normal to the other subjects. But to other people, he is a god to other people. 717 is so much more genetically and physically more modified than any other human, that is including me. He can run faster, jump higher, and endure more than anyone else could.  Although I fear that he will... No. It is imperative I do not get attached to any of the subjects. Some will die. I hope at least we keep the best. We have placed the rest of the subjects in the deserted Kepler planet. Some will die in this test. That is to be expected. After they finish the test we bring them, then we prepare them for final genetic enhancements. I hope for the best. End of log"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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