Not so Happy Birthday Harry

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(Niall's P.O.V.)

When I was sure Harry was sleeping I slipped out of the bedroom and pulled out my phone. I called Liam and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Nialler! Louis and I are headed to the store right now."

"Hey I'm actually with Harry right now. He's really sick guys." Liam paused. "Put me on speaker Louis needs to hear too." Liam was quite for a second.

"Alright Niall you're on speaker."

"What's happening blondie?" Louis asked.

"Harry is really sick," I repeated.

"What do you mean Harry's sick. It's his birthday he can't be sick," Louis protested.

"He is. He's been throwing up all night and his fever is really high," I explained.

"Should we not come?" Liam asked.

"No he said he still wants everyone here. But we aren't going to be having the party we all thought we were."

"What should we get?" Louis asked.

"Maybe some medicine. I didn't see any when I was looking for his thermometer. Anything he could eat that he would keep down."

"We'll see what we can do. We'll be there in a bit," Liam told me.

"Alright lads, thanks."

"Niall," Louis started. "Take care of him."

"I will." We said our goodbyes and I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket. I walked back into the bedroom and Harry was starting to stir. I walked over beside him. He was still sleeping but he looked like he was in pain and he was whimpering a little. I took the cloth off his head and gently played with his hair. It didn't seem to be helping. He sat straight up in bed and started gasping for air.

"Niall!" he screaming.

"Harry, I'm right here. I'm here Haz," I told him. He looked over at me. His eyes were wide and scared. I sat down next to him and pulled him into my chest. He started to cry softly. "It's ok Hazza. It's alright. You're safe now, it was just a dream." I rubbed up and down his back whispering softly to him until he calmed down. He pulled away from me and put his hand over his mouth. I grabbed the bin I had placed by the bed either and held it for him. He gagged over it but nothing came up.

"Niall," he whimpered.

"Shh, Harry it's ok," I told him. He gagged a few more times but nothing came up. He couldn't throw up, he had nothing left. I put the bin back down on the floor.

"Niall what are you doing? I need that," he cried. I pulled him into me.

"No, you don't Harry. There's nothing in your stomach. Relax. It'll pass." I hummed softly to him until I felt his body relax. I laid him back down in bed and stood up.

"Please stay," he begged.

"I will, I'm not leaving," I reassured him.

"Will you lay with me?" he asked sadly. I got into bed with him and pulled him close to me. He buried his head in the crook of my neck as I rubbed his back.

"It's alright Haz." Not long after that Liam and Louis walked into the bed room. Harry was sleeping by that point.

"Is he sleeping?" Liam asked. I nodded. They walked over quietly and looked at him.

"He's really weak," I whispered. "We need to get something in his stomach. He keeping trying to throw up but there's nothing left."

"Poor lad," Louis sighed. "Figures he'd get sick on his birthday." I sighed and nodded.

"We got something for his fever and his stomach. Hopefully it helps," Liam explained.

"Hazza," I whispered to him. "Hey Haz." He groaned and opened his eyes. "Look who's here to see you." He looked up at Liam and Louis and he managed to smile a little at them.

"Hey brother, how you feeling?" Liam asked softly. Harry shrugged a little. "We got you some medicine if you're up for it." He nodded and sat up. Liam pulled the medicine out of the bag along with a bottle of Gatorade. He handed the pills to Harry and then the blue drink to wash them down.

"You up for a bit of food mate?" Louis asked. He didn't answer for a minute.

"Might help your stomach if there's something in it," I told him. He agreed and Louis handed him a sleeve of crackers. He took it from him and carefully put a few in his mouth.

"Thanks for coming guys," he said softly.

"Course mate," Liam started.

"We weren't going to leave you on your birthday," Louis added. Harry smiled a little and put a few more crackers in his mouth.

"You doing alright Harry?" I asked. He nodded.

"You want to put in a film? We'll stay as long as you want us too," Louis told him. Harry smiled.

"Let's go downstairs. I'll lay down on the couch and we'll watch something." We all went downstairs and into the living room. Harry made me sit on the couch with him and laid down across me. We put in a movie and all sat around with Harry. Later on in the night we got him to eat a little more. He was feeling much better by the time we all left.

"Sure you don't want us to stay?" Liam asked.

"I'm alright, thanks for coming though. I don't know what I'd do without you guys," Harry smiled.

"Happy Birthday Hazza," Louis said softly, giving him a hug. Liam hugged him next.

"Take care mate." I was last. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly.

"Happy Birthday Harry."

"Thanks for taking care of me Nialler," he whispered.

"Of course mate." He let me go and we walked out the door.

(Harry's P.O.V.)

I shut the door after they left and smiled to myself. I had the best group of friends I could ever ask for. I walked back up to my bedroom and got ready to get in bed. I pulled back the covers and found a small box in my bed. The card on the front said, To Harry. I picked it up and opened the box. Inside was a picture frame with a picture of the lads and I during our last show on X Factor before we took our break. Engraved on the frame was "We've got History". I felt tears come to my eyes. I picked up the card and opened it.

Happy Birthday Curly. It's been a crazy ride but I'm glad we're all still kicking. Have a great one.

All the Love,

Louis, Liam and Niall

I put the picture on my nightstand and crawled back in bed. Before I shut my eyes I looked at the picture and smiled.

"We do have history boys." I shut my eyes and drifted back to sleep. 

Happy Birthday Harry. Thank you for always being able to make us smile. Thank you for caring so deeply about each and every one of us. You've changed our lives and I'm glad we were able to change yours.

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