The Deal

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 "There is no before. We were born and bred in the Institute. I have no parents. Just X, he risked his life to save us all. And together we will save the world.", those words repeat in my head over and over until I cannot comprehend them and they just become random sounds. Sounds that I was raised to believe in, and that under all costs those words were the key to unlocking goodness. That through dedicating my entire life to following these words there would be the strength to fight the evil in this world-

"Rye." I hear a distant voice call out. I can't open my eyes as much as I try so all I see is darkness.

"Rye, look at me." I turn around. The voice is everywhere at once. And slowly the darkness shimmers away revealing a young girl, maybe 4 or 5 years old sitting crossed-legged in front of a blank piece of paper and an a pencil. I walked around the little girl and examine her. Her long brown hair covered the sides of her face and her body looked extremely frail. Her lips were tinted a dark blue as if she swam for hours in icy water. There was a figure in the corner of the room. I walked over to the seated individual. Everything seemed hazy yet surreal so as I reached out to the individual, he stood up. Dr. X, younger but not quite. He strode over to the little girl and crouched beside her so she'd to look him in the eye.

"Rye." he said again

"That's not my na-"

"Hush girl. That is your name. That is the only name you will respond to because it is yours. Or do you want to take another bath?" he smiled.

My younger self looked up, my eyes duller but the fear in them clear.

"As your guardian I hope you understand why it's very important that you listen to me."

"No you're not. Where are my par-"

"If you finish that word I'll send you right back. And we will see if the Sentries would dare feel remorse as they watch your drowning, thrashing body." I saw myself keep quiet and I wanted to scream. Where were the other girls? Why couldn't I remember this exchange? And then it clicked.

As I looked around the unfamiliar coin-colored tiles I realize the reason I couldn't remember, is because somehow they made me forget. And I left this place with their mission, their goal and a blind loyalty. I'd spent 6 months at Primary, but at what cost?

"Good job Rye. Being a good listener is the first step on your path to greatness. Now, take the pencil and write down everything you remember."

"I-I don't. Everything is fuzzy. All I know is that I don't know who you are and Rye isn't my name.'

"Okay, what's your name then."

"I just told you, I don't remember."

"Very well then, that's good enough. Stay still Rye and let me just inject you with this little concoction I proudly made up myself." Dr. X lightly flicked the vile filled with a dark purple liquid.

"My favorite part by far, is watching the change. Would you like to see?" He laughed to himself as he handed my younger self a compact mirror and taught me how to open it. I felt a pang in my chest. Looking down at my youthful reflection as he injected my tiny arm with the liquid, my hand reached to touch my arm where he had injected me many years ago.

And then I saw it. My dull amber eyes didn't brighten, but after Dr.X emptied his concoction into my bloodstream, I saw a red ring flash around my iris. My younger self moved her hair around her ears and faced Dr. X. The smile that he gives her makes my skin crawl as she stares up at him with now red ringed eyes.

I walk next to her almost hesitant to listen to what he has to say next.

"Now you are tied to me, my sweet. Take this pills daily and you won't have to experience the side effects."

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