When The Impossible Happens [PART ONE]

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A/N: I had to separate them into two parts bc it would've been too long to read & because I haven't wrote it yet (I apologize) but hey! I hope you enjoy this little one-shot :)

First of all, how in the world did this even happen? Second, this wasn't even possible in the first place, they made sure I was sterilized to not give life to a fetus. Third, he isn't even here?!

Natasha sat still on the toilet seat, pregnancy tests on the ground, laid down carefully.

Some said negative but some said positive. Is this some kind of joke?

"Nat, how are you doing?" Pepper lightly knocked on the bathroom door of her bedroom.

Natasha felt a tear slide down her cheek. How could something like this happen to her. She felt weak inside.

"Fine.." Her voice cracked a bit. Pepper knew she wasn't 'fine'. Any woman that says she's 'fine' usually meant she was dying inside.

Pepper burst into the bathroom, unaware of the pregnancy tests in the floor.

"Tasha, you are not okay..oh my god, you're pregnant?!" She half-yelled. Natasha shushed her up.

"I don't even know if I'm pregnant or not. Half of these say positive and half of these say negative."

Pepper looked concerned. "We'll schedule a doctor's appointment. Not Bruce or anyone who could possibly spread the word. We'll go to my specialist Doctor."

Natasha cracked a smile, "Thanks, Pep." She didn't know whether or not to go along with her to get herself checked. She figured that there was no point in arguing with Pepper so, she might as well go anyways.

Dinner times were hard for the spy. Pepper thought making her favorite chicken casserole would make Natasha feel better but, she just pushed the plate away after it was half-eaten.

"Woah what's wrong with Red?" Tony asked. "Is someone missing their Capsicle?" He added, mockingly, which caused Pepper to slap his arm hard.

"Maybe she just needs space.." Bruce quietly said. Clint nodded.

Natasha was fed up and wanted fresh air instead of her dinner. She left the table and climbed up to the rooftop for some fresh air.

Her legs dangled from the top and she looked at all the busy cars and people. They looked liked ants crawling on the streets.

Breathing in the fresh fall air, Natasha felt more relaxed than she normally would.

It would be nice to spend my free time here, sometimes. She thought.

Before she realized, a blonde man emerged from the elevator and stepped onto the gravel of the rooftop, finding the red-head seated down, legs dangling from the top.

"Tasha, what's wrong?" Clint Barton asked his best friend and partner in crime.

Natasha just shrugged. "Why do you think something is wrong?"

"Well, you know something's wrong when your best friend doesn't touch their favorite food, right?"

The two assassins laughed together.

"It's not really a big deal.. Well, sorta is." Natasha bit her lip.

"Tell me, Nat. You can tell me anything."

"Okay, before I tell you, you promise not to kick my man's ass. Or try to hurt him in any way."

Clint laughed, "Why would I possibly try and beat up the Captain?"

Natasha didn't laugh back and Clint definitely knew something was up.

Here it goes

"I'm possibly pregnant."

Clint looked expressionless. "What?"

"Look, I haven't been to the doctors yet but, I took some pregnancy tests and some of them said positive and some said negative. It's not really that big of a deal. You know I'm sterilized, right?"

"Yo-you're pregnant? Wi-with Steve's child?"

"Please, Clint. Don't beat him up or anything. It was a mistake, I-"

But Clint's reply was different. Something Natasha didn't expect.

"That's amazing! I'm finally gonna be an uncle!"

Natasha smiled. "Yeah. Maybe. I haven't gone to the doctors yet."

"But still! Fun uncle Clint!"

Natasha scoffed. "Don't get too cocky now, Barton. If this child is alive, you are not allowed to spoil it. And that goes for Stark too."

Clint pouted.

"No arrows either!"

"Damn, Mom. Fine."

Natasha slapped his arm playfully for calling him Mom.

Now she just needed to figure out if her baby is actually growing or not.


A/N: hope you guys enjoyed this lil short one-shot! The other half will be (hopefully) better & will be put up soon but, I can't promise anything because school has officially started for me (ik, ik, I cry too)! Remember keep voting (if you rly want to) and stay awesome :). Lots of love, brie xo

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