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" Death is only the beginning to life "

Shaking, Zayla fell to her knees. Her stomach was tightening, as was her heart.

"I am sorry Zayla, you are just too much of a burden in my heart. And when you have a burden, something you love, you destroy it. That is how Vader did it, as have I. This is now the end."

Zayla shook her head breathing hard, "You are wrong." She whispered, "This, this is just the beginning of the ruins of you, Kylo Ren."

Closing her eyes a tear trickled down her face and she heard a scream. 

Not from her. Rey.

 A growl. 


 A blast. 


A shout. 


"Goodbye." She whispered as she fell into the black abyss.

The last thing she saw was Kylo Ren, Ben her love screaming for her.



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