I have you!

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(Chapter four)

Hermione said,"Hey, Kayla." I said,"I have a big big problem." She said,"Shoot." I said,"Okay so Dumbledore gave me and Harry jobs. Mine was to get close to Draco Malfoy. The problem is he kissed me and I think I liked it.......... But he's supposed to be my enemy and I'm supposed to get close to him and Harry hates him."

Hermione said,"Okay that might be a problem but if you do like him then use it to an advantage and make him believe you do and get him to tell you." I said,"Your a genus." Then all the sudden, she falls on her butt. I look up to see Draco standing there laughing. I helped her up and said,"Back off my friends Malfoy. You really don't wanna mess with me." He laughed and whispers in my ear,"The funs just beginning." I shivered and said,"No it's not."

I pushed him away and walked away with Hermione. She said,"I've never seen this side of him. You might be in a little trouble." I said,"I'll live." She laughed and turned the corner. We saw Ron and Harry at the end of the hall. We fastened our speed and caught up to him. Ron said,"Hey girls." We said our hellos. Then slug horn passed and said,"Harry, Kayla, Hermione, I'm having a party this weekend. You three our invited." We all agreed we'd be there.

We walked back to the lounge and sat down. We started random conversations here and there but it felt awkward. All I could think about was Draco. Finally I gave up trying and went up and went to sleep.

(Next day)

It was Saturday. I was walking to find a quiet place to read and do some homework. I found an abandoned hallway so I hopped up in the window sill. I started to work. Then someone said my name,"Kayla." I turned to see Harry. He got up here with me. I said,"Hey Harry." He asked,"How's it going?" I knew he meant the mission or plan or whatever. I said,"Okay I guess. What about you?" He said,"Ehh it could be worse."

Then a voice said,"The twins of course I'd run into you here." The voice was so cold, I shivered. We turned to see Snape standing there. I said,"Hello Professor." He frowned and said,"Good evening Kayla. Harry." Harry said,"Hi Snape. How's your day been?" Snape said,"Fine fine. Have either of you seem Draco around?" I shook my head no and Harry said,"Umm yeah up the hall then turn right. I think he's there still." Snape swung his cloak and walked off.

We burst out laughing. I said,"Well break is only a few weeks away maybe we can plan then." Harry said,"Please promise me something." I said,"I promise you. Now what is it?" He said,"Be careful. He preys on you. He's everywhere I see you." I said,"Don't worry I'll be fine." He said,"I hope." Then an icy voice said,"Well Potter. Isn't it an unpleasant time seeing you here."

That voice still cause me to shiver and I turned to see Malfoy.

Harry stated,"I could say the same Malfoy." He jumped down. They stood in front of each other. I said,"Now boys. There's not any reason to fight." I jumped down and got between them. Draco said,"There doesn't always need to be a reason. My dear." I said,"Yes there does." Harry said,"Calm down Kayla." I said,"Stay out of it Harry." Draco said,"Do what your sister says Potter. This isn't your business."

My hands shook a little. Harry said,"As long as she's my sister. Yes it is." I felt Harry put a hand on my shoulder making me feel small. He was taller then me but not by much. I said,"Harry leave." I looked at him and he nodded and walked away. Draco said,"Couldn't wait to be alone with me, could we?" I said,"The last I need is for you to ruin my relationship with my brother. He's the only family I have." Draco said,"Awh so touché." I said,"Your a really douche you know."

Draco said,"No I didn't." I laughed and said,"Your the biggest one, I know." He stiffened and said,"You weren't saying that when we were kissing." He took a step towards me. I stepped back but hit the wall. He put his hands on the wall to block my path both ways. I said,"So now you have to capture me." He smiled and said,"I could have you when ever I wanted." I smirked and said,"No you couldn't." He smiled and leaned and whispered,"I already have you."

I shivered and said,"No, I have you. Draco." His eyes was shot with shock. He leaned in and I could feel his chilly breathe on my neck. His lips softly kissed my neck and up my jaw line. As soon as his lips touched mine, I wrapped my arms around him. I tangled my hands in his hair. His hands ran down to my side. I let out a moan and pulled him closer to him.

I felt him smiled against my lips. He licked my bottom lips for access. I denied him. He kissed me harder and tried again. I still denied. He rubbed my sides till I moaned again. He tried again and I let him in. He pushed us closer to the wall as he explored my mouth. Then I realized I needed to stop. I pushed him away and took deep breathes. He asked,"Is something wrong?" I said,"Yes. All of this is. I'm sorry I have to go."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back. He kissed me then let me go. I watched him walk off. God! What was I thinking! I'm not supposed to really fall for him. I sunk down to the floor. I put my head on my knees. I let a few tears fall then realized I need to find Ginny. I hopped up and ran down the hall. I pasted Luna in the hall and stopped. I asked her,"Have you seen Ginny?" She nodded and said,"Outside by the big tree." I ran down the hall and slid to a turn. I saw her sitting on a blanket studying.

I sat beside her and she looked up at me. She smiled and said,"Hey." I said,"I need your help." She tilted her head and asked,"With what?" I said,"With Draco." She looked at me in shock.

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