{Chapter IX}

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Things happened all so fast. Kylo ordered for all my things to be delivered into his chamber and they were within minutes of his request.
"Here's this," Kylo handed me the very necklace my mother gave me, the one I thought I lost back in the forest when Ren kidnapped me.
"Kylo are you serious?" My hands shook as I took the pendent. It was a small gemstone, a dark shade of blue/green.
"I know how much family means to you, I'd thought I'd try to help," he smiled. It was a token of his new kindness.
"Can I call you Ben?" I asked suddenly.
"Why?" His eyes went dark, the very dark they were when I first saw them.
"Because, Kylo Ren, is someone who inflicts pain and harm, Ben is innocent, he has good in him," I blushed slightly. As did Ben.
"Fine, but only when we are alone," he picked up some of my clothes and handed them to me. "There's some other dresses and such from my grandmother, they're more colourful, help yourself," Kylo left me there as he went out to his kitchen, work area. I placed the black clothing on a dresser and searched through the closet admiring all the beautiful gowns. If I was correct these belonged to Padame. A light blue dress, adorned with small crystals caught my eye. The blue was that of the shade of a Jedi lightsaber. I changed quickly. It fit perfectly. Almost as if it were meant for me. I died my hair up and went out to see Ben.
"Ben?" I called out as I found him sitting in front of a hologram.
"You never told Rey where we're moving to, did you?"
"No, there's no way I could contact her, or have known," I responded. I watched him sigh and he turned to face me.
" Y/N, wow," he gaped.
"Do you like it?" I murmured.
"You look, you look, beautiful," he stammered. Once more he leaned in, his lips touching mine. I felt the light within him. The kiss was innocent. His intentions were as well. He was changing. And I couldn't have been more happy for him.

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