Hey, I'm Grayson.

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I wake up to the sound of my obnoxious alarm beeping in my ear.

"ughh i don't wanna go to school" I drag my feet to the bathroom and lazily brush my teeth, hop in the shower and put on my clothes. I notice the time and hurry to apply some mascara and eyeliner.

I smell the heavenly scent of my mothers cooking. I grab my book bag and head downstairs.

"Hey ma" my mother looks at me like she saw a rat in her kitchen taking all the cheese from the refrigerator. I begin to panic

"WHAT?! is there something on my face?? or does my outfit look terrible?" I frantically ask my mom.

"Yes hun you look terrible" my face drops from her sudden attack of words.

"Hahaaa you should see the look on your face, wow but I'm just kidding of course you look beautiful dear"
I slowly start to think shes just saying that so I won't feel butthurt

"hm...thanks." I sit down on the stool chair hoping that she will hurry up with the damn food so I can leave out of here. "heres your food, but hurry your almost late for the bus"

She turns around and walks out of the kitchen into the living room. I quickly chomp down my food and finish pretty quickly. Wow i must've been really hungry.

I grab my bag and check the time *6:20* Shit the bus will be here in 5 minutes. "I rush to my bus stop and by the time I got there the bus arrived.

I take a seat in the back in hopes that no one will sit next to me. Im already starting to hate my first day of school once I see my bully from last year. He really likes to mess with me and I just don't understand why...I didn't do a single thing to him.

Once the bus moves we stop at the second bus stop and I notice two really attractive boys...they look like their twins. I always have a hard time with noticing a difference with twins until a couple weeks. The one with I think has a mole on his chin but i'll just call it a dot,sits next to me and the other one with a dot on his cheek sits across from us. I start to become nervous. The one with the dot on his chin looks at me and smiles

"Hey im Grayson, whats your name?" he says holding his hand out

"my name is Danielle but you can call me dani for short" I say shaking his hand while smiling like an idiot.

"I love that name it fits you" I give him a confused look.

"how so?" i say quietly.

He looks me in the eyes

"because its a beautiful name for a beautiful girl".

I quickly look away from his gaze because I know by now I look like a complete idiot from all the smiling and blushing I'm doing because of a boy that is just telling me that I'm beautiful.

I mumble a thank you and he just looks at his twin next to him and begins to talk to him. They seem to laugh at everything one another says. Hm such goofballs.

I come to find out the other boy name is Ethan because I was of course eavesdropping on their convo.

They were talking about making a youtube video for Dolan Twin Tuesday and they have no idea what their video was going to be... Wait whoa they're youtubers?

I quickly look at the two but I just don't remember them, I watch so many youtubers but i've never seen one of their videos.

Maybe i'll watch one of their videos today after school.

•AHHH! Im so happy that I have officially started to put my story on here! Hopefully you guys on here will like it! Please like and share to many of your friends. If you want it to be longer then just tell me in the comments. I want to make sure you are all happy with the results. xoxo.

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