Richard stands in front of me with his hands on his pockets. "Maybe."

Unbelievable, this is not cool. How did all this happened?

I feel Richard's lips on my cheek. "Sorry, I swear I didn't mean for all this to happened. I just wanted Ian to grow up. I didn't want to see my son turn out like me."

"What? Greedy? Selfish?" I ask.

"No, lonely. Be no one," he answers. "I just want him to be normal to be happy to grow up."

"You force us to get married. You almost killed my brother. What did Johnny do for you to want to kill him? What made you think that Ian will be happy with me?"

"I thought Johnny would have told you already," he says.

"No. I have been busy lately with divorce papers."

He sighs, "I just tell you that he will take a man down."

What does he mean?

Richard holds my hands. "Let him tell you. I don't want him to think I brainwashed you or twisted things around. But before you do, be strong. I don't want you to get sick anymore."

"Okay, stop treating me like a baby."

He chuckles, "you're not but still" He kisses my cheek. "Anyways, where were we?" He wraps his arms around me and takes all the space between us.

"Richard-" I push him lightly but he only gives me a few inches of space.

"Alexandra, please stop resisting," he kisses me, "why cant you try? Am I really that bad?"

"I just don't like you like this. I don't-"

Richard doesn't care. He kisses me embracing me in a warm hug.

Why is he doing this? What should I do?

I feel his hand rubbing my back and the other hugging my neck. His tongue licks mine and he pulls away.

"Relax," he lets me go and walks towards a table with alcohol. He serves himself a glass.

"So, what are you going to do?" Richard asks.

"What do you mean?"

"About going back home, are you going to live with your mom?"

I shrug, "I guess. I don't know and don't care beyond this point. I just want to go to a place that no one can hurt me or bother me." Is he even getting the memo? How do I get out of this! Safely?
I sit on the bed and he goes as well. His hand hugs my leg, "I know a place, with your divorce money you can actually afford a place there. It is nice, quiet, has wild life, and low crime rate."

I take off his hand and put on his leg. "No thanks. I don't want any of his money."

"But that money belongs to you know. It is automatically yours."

"Well I guess I give it to charity. I don't want that money."

"I am going outside," I say. "Need some fresh air."

I stand but Richard stops me. "Alex,"

"Please give me back my hand. I need air. I need to think."
"That's your problem Alex. You think too much. That is not healthy for you. You are miserable because of that."

"Shut up," I say.
I get the hell out of there!

I jog over to the backyard. I suddenly see Kyle with Charlie playing fetch. "come on boy!" he yells. Charlie runs quickly to him with a yellow ball on his mouth.

The Contract That saved my Brother but not meМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя