Happy Birthday, Lion

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Phil woke up and it felt like every other normal day.. except it wasn't the average day..

It was his birthday!

He jumped out of bed to find that Dan wasn't in his side of the bed which was very unusual, even for any other day. Phil practically ran downstairs, jumping down the stairs two stairs at a time in excitement, hoping to find Dan in the kitchen or something. He wasn't there either.

Phil sighed, pouting to himself before he noticed a small Sword Art Online post-it note on the table.

I won't be back until the evening; I've got a few things to do. Love you and happy birthday though! PJ said he would come round to keep you company instead :)


Phil smiled again slightly before realising that he wouldn't be able to spend his birthday with his best friend. Yes, PJ was his best friend too but he wasn't Dan. As if on cue, there was a knock at the door and PJ walked in just moments later, a wide grin on his face. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" He screamed, running towards Phil and wrapping his arms around him.

"Thanks, Peej." Phil smiled back, finding his friend's embrace warm but not as warm as Dan's.

"So.. have you got anything planned?"

"No.. I don't." 

"Good. We're now going to watch My Neighbour Totoro!"

"My Neighbour Totoro?"

"Don't lie.. I know it's your favourite."


"Do you know what's Dan doing?" Phil asked once they were halfway through the movie. PJ's head lifted up and he shrugged, pretending to not know.

"I have no idea.." PJ couldn't wipe the smirk off his face after that and Phil just didn't understand why.


Once the movie had finished, Phil felt rather drowsy (movies tended to do that to him) and he kind of wanted to go and lay in bed for the rest of the day. "I might go take a nap or something." Phil yawned before rubbing his eyes slightly.

"No, no, the day isn't over yet! We're going to town now!" PJ practically yelled, jumping off of the sofa in excitement.

"I'm not really in the mood, Peej-"

"Get your shoes on. You don't have a choice. I'll drag you if it gets to that." Phil groaned but didn't argue anymore, wandering into the hall to grab his shoes.


"PJ, you do realise town isn't in this direction.. we're going the wrong way." Phil muttered as PJ dragged him further down the road.

"Oh, I know." PJ responded, an annoying smirk on his face.

"Where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise." PJ lead Phil to a tallish building which looked rather posh. Tables were set up outside with cutlery perfectly laid out on top of them.

"Why are we here?"

"Don't ask, stay quiet."

"Why-" PJ hushed him into silence and grabbed Phil's hand, dragging him inside the posh restaurant. The whole place was empty other than one table in the centre which had a certain, recognisable boy sitting at it. There was a candle in the centre which was flickering enough to light up the table. "No way." Phil gasped, clasping a hand over his mouth as he met Dan's eyes.

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