Chapter 16

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Kennedy's POV

Scar left the house with a slam of the door, leaving me and Blake standing outside her room just looking at each other. We both walked into the room to see Daimeon sitting on the edge of the bed.

"She said she can't be with me" Daimeon said.

"Daimeon look Scar has never had a boyfriend neither has she been in love, so she's scared, she will never admit it but you have to trust me, ok" I told him.

"Go after her" Blake said.

"Where could she have gone though?" Daimeon stood up.

"I think she went out back" I told him. He nodded then walked out of the room leaving Blake and I.

"Why can't they just date and have it not be so complicated" I asked sighing.

"Because they both don't know how to deal with loving each other" Blake said kissing me on my forehead.

Scarlett's POV

I leaned my head against the chain of the swing, closing my eyes I sighed again. How could I walk out like that, he was finally being nice and caring. We were also starting to get along, but who am I kidding, I'm not his type. How am I suppose to marry him, I make everything so complicated, even for myself. These thoughts kept playing in my head as I started to swing. I kept trying to go higher, hoping I could some how escape this place and this life. I stopped swinging when I heard the back door open, if I truly want to leave, nothing could stop me. I quietly walked out of my garden the opposite way and snuck back into the house. I heard D and Blake in the living room laughing, when I got upstairs I heard Daimeon start to call my name, he was still out back. So I quickly grabbed my duffel bag and started to throw my clothes into it. I snuck out of my house and got into my jeep and drove off, I didn't know where and I loved it.

Kennedy's POV

I heard the front door close, I looked to Blake we both got up just in time to see Scar's jeep speed out of the driveway.

"You have got to be kidding me" I said and walked upstairs into Scar's room, to see most of her clothes and stuff gone.

"Most of her stuff is gone, call Daimeon in here" I was so mad at her, how could she do this. I was at the bottom of the stairs when Daimeon walked in.

"Where did she go?" He asked.

"I have no clue but I'm starting to get pissed at how complicated she is making this!" I threw my hands up. Blake put his hands on my shoulders trying to calm me down.

"We have to find her" Blake said. I took a calming sigh, and nodded.

"I think I know one place she might go" I said.

Scarlett's POV

I just drove, not really sure where to go. I know I have to stay away from my favorite places because D would find me. I can't go far yet, I still have to worry about school. I am about an hour from school, so I go into the first hotel I see. I head up to my room and start planning where I should go for winter break which was just a few weeks away.


I walked into school and D walked up to me.

"Where have you been?!" She screamed.

"Look this is something I have to do" I said and walked away. I walked past Blake and nodded hello. Daimeon spotted me and walked right over to me, "Where did you go, you had all of us worried and you are driving Kennedy insane" he said but I kept walking.

"There is just something I have to do okay" I told him.

The next few weeks went like that, I wasn't trying to be mean but there was something I had to do.

It was the last day before Winter Break, I was all packed and ready to go. I wrote a letter and when school let out I dropped it off at the house for all of them to read. I then got to the airport and boarded the plane.

Kennedy's POV

It had been the worse few weeks of my life, Scar did not really talk to me. When I arrived home, we had a letter from Scar.

"Blake, Daimeon we have a letter from Scar!" I yelled out to them. They both walked into the house waiting for me to read it.

Dear Kennedy, Blake and Daimeon,
I know you guys are wondering what happened and why I left. Well I needed to leave, get out and be free for a while, so much has happened in the past months that I need time to deal with. I will be back before school starts, don't worry I am okay and trust me. I know D you are frustrated at me and probably want to rip my head off which is a feeling you have never had before (pretty powerful feeling isn't it, haha) but you can yell, cry or whatever at me when I get back. You are still my best friend and I love you. Blake watch out for her, she can get a little crazy when she's like this, I've only dealt with it once but I'm sure you can handle it. Now Daimeon, go out and have fun. Meet a bunch of girls and date them or whatever. Don't stop your lives because of me, carry on and you will see me soon.

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