Chapter 6

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< Alexandria's POV >

What. The. Hell.

This was the last thing I ever wanted to hear.

Why does he even like me? What's so good about me? What's so good that every guy always tries to talk to me?

Yeah, the girls did say that I was pretty, awesome, fun to be with, sexy and all sorts of other crap.

What do I mean by crap? They say it, but they only say it for the sake of saying it. They never meant it.

Let's take "fun to be with" for an example.

Since when did I even hang out with them? How would they know that I was "fun to be with" then?

Idiots. All of them are idiots.

I really don't know how to react to what Sharon said.

I feel... angry and at the same time kinda satisfied...

It's really strange...

I feel like, Blaze... He... he can actually protect me from... from that... that creature. That creature who abandoned me, that creature who ignored my questions, my begging...  He... He didn't care. Dylan never cared about me.

But why do I feel this way? Is this some kind of sign? Is there a meaning behind this?

Right now, I'm just... frustrated, confused and my head hurts.

Sharon is just looking at me hopefully, hoping I wouldn't be mad with her. Hoping that I can take it... I know her so well... It's like I know her just like the back of my hand...

She doesn't need to go through all this. These are my problems. And she actually bothers to help me with them. She's really one of the best of friends anyone will ever have, really.

Not many "friends" do this. Notice I said "friends" .

Anyway, I don't think I really have to give a damn about this, I mean like it's not like I will see him again anyway.

And even if I did, I will just pretend he's some stranger whom I have met before, that's all.

And... I just realised that Sharon was famished when she burped so loudly that all heads turned towards us and distant giggles could be heard.

Why does she always do this? 

I sighed once again.

"Excuse me! I'm sorry guys, just kinda hungry yeah..."

She literally said that to everyone who heard her burp and they all just looked away.

Now I know why she had earned a trophy for being the drama queen. She really did.

So we went to Pastamania because she was dying to have pizza which I have no idea why...

But, I don't care. Pizza would be great anyway, especially when I don't have to pay for anything.

Sharon always treats me for like almost everything. She's so kind.
Obviously because she's rich. Unlike me.

She ordered a medium-pan size mozzarella cheese pizza... and that's all. She just ordered a mozzarella pizza, it was a special order...

God knows what this girl is up to.

I ordered a Hawaiian pizza because Hawaiian is bae <3

She ate like so damn fast, I only ate 2 slices and she was done.

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