The prank

143 9 8

Jordan's pov

Everything is set up, I think Mark set up a hidden camera somewhere in the cafeteria , but I don't know where....

The bell rang and my heart started heavily beating. "Guys what if we get in trouble" I nervously ask. "Oh relax what's the worst thing that can happen" Dara says trying to calm
Me down, it did the opposite. It felt like my heart was gonna pop out of my chest.

People started coming in, but throw a different door.

Please no one use this door ...

I pray no one uses that door, but then I hear it


Hey guys it's alleyflash here ....

Jk jk
Did you really think that was it ???
Hahah no way

People gasped at the sit. I closed my eyes, laughter broke out in the cafeteria.

I can't do this ... Who got pranked ???

I slowly open my eyes and see a very wet

Stacy .....

Oh dang it, no no no no no not her.....

"Oh my god" She gasps as she wipes some of it off her face

"Stacy" I say under my breath as the guys laugh and bring the camera up to her to get a close up.

"How dose it feel to get pranked by one of your former friends" Rusher laughs at her.

"Jordan...." She says in a sad voice as she looks at me.

"Stacy it wasn't....." I tried to tell her but cut off by her. "Stop ok, I don't want to hear it" she snapped at me.

"I thought you were different" I herd a voice say behind me.

I spun around and saw .....


Standing there.

He most have seen it all

"Please let me explain...." i start but then get cu off by Will.

"When i first saw you i thought you were some cool kid who didn't care for anyone. But when i got to know you i saw how amazing you are. i guess i was right about you being a cool kid" Will said as a tear fell down his cheek, then he glanced away.

"Will it's not like that..." 

"Then what is it ? What is it Jordan" He shouts at me. 

"I don't know ok" I yell at him.

"i can't , i just can't. Jordan, I'm gone..." Will says as he looks at the ground and runs away. "Will.." i took a couple steps forward when i felt a hand grab mine. I spun around and saw Bee there with anger in her eyes. 

"i never liked you" She hisses as she punches me across the face. 

I fall to the ground.

I laied there for a while. Until a teacher pulled me off my but.

i ended up getting in trouble......

So that's kinda how i got kicked.......

hey speedsters it's the one and only alleyflash here 

how did you guys like this LONG back flash ????

i like how it turned out !!

But i have more things planned so don't worry !!!

ok see you guys next week

bye bye guys 

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