A Child Changes Everything. [Second Time's A Charm]

Start from the beginning

“My mother saved my life.” He said. He fiddled with a strand of your hair, looking off out to the sunrise. “Before my father died, he disowned me and kicked me out, saying he wouldn’t have a junkie in the family. It killed my mother, but she didn’t know how to help me, so she let me go. I spent years running in a bad crowd, stealing and lying to feed my addiction. Then, one day, I heard about my dad dying. Heart attack. I still remember the day I heard the news. I was actually happy to hear it; I hated that man with everything in me. I went to the service, but my mother wasn’t happy to see me. I didn’t realize then how bad I looked, and I knew that I broke her heart.”

His voice grew strained, his eyes blinking back tears as best they could. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing him against you in a tight hug and whispering soothing words into his ear. 

“Draco, it’s alright now. Everything is okay.”

“No, It isn’t. She’s gone because of me.” He choked out. You pulled away and looked him in the eyes, imploring him to go on. He did. “I got into trouble. People were after me. I was tired of running, so I went to her. I wanted to get better. She told me how much she loved me, and missed me. She said she wanted her son back, so she let me stay. I sobered up, and she helped me every step of the way. Then, one night, we were sitting down at dinner when a knock came at the door. My mom was expecting a package, so she got up to answer it. She didn’t even have the door open all the way when they killed her. Just killed her dead right in the sitting room. Right in front of me. I’d never killed anyone before then, but that night I killed four men. And ever since then, I’ve never forgiven myself. If I hadn’t been there, she would be alive right now.” 

Talking about that night, Draco’s emotions shifted from sorrowful to completely numb. He sat in the sand motionless, staring out at nothing.

“That may be, Draco. But she wouldn’t have had you. She got to have her son back. As a mother, nothing else would have made her as happy. Even if she would have lived to be 100 years old, it wouldn’t be the same without you with her.” He just shook his head, not saying a word. You took his face, forcing him to look in your eyes. “I’ve lived without you, Draco Malfoy. And if you hadn’t come back, and I lived a long and healthy life without you, it would have been an empty life. A sad life. No life at all, really.”

You said each word with as much passion as you could muster, trying to evoke just how strongly you felt to him. You saw the darkness lift from his eyes as they stared into yours. You took his hand and put it over your chest; your heart beat against his palm, the rhythm of it syncing with his own. 

“You have a family Draco. Us.”

An electricity shot through your body as his fingertip slid across your skin, his hand moving from your chest slowly to your arms. He pulled you over his lap, and you straddled him, your toes warm in the sand. He hugged you, his head on your chest. He listened to you breathe, appreciating everything that you were.

“I love you, Kris Rogers.” 

“I love you, Draco.” 

Your lips connected with his, his hands trailing up your back slowly. His touch teased you, and your body ached painfully for him. You pressed against him, wanting him to know how badly you wanted him. He got the message, but he broke away from you. 

“What’s wrong?” you asked, short of breath. He didn’t respond, just stuck his hand in his pocket and retrieved an unknown object, keeping it inside his closed fist.

“You know everything good and bad about me, Kris Rogers. And you still accept me unconditionally. You are a beautiful soul. You keep me going every day. Seeing your beautiful face is the thing I look forward to the most in the morning when I wake up. I hope I get to see it every day for the rest of our lives.”

“I do, too.” You smiled, interlacing your hand with his free one. 

“Do you, really?”

“Of course!” 

“Well, then,” he opened his fist, revealing the same engagement ring he had given you so many years ago. “Will you marry me?”

You were speechless. You didn’t know how he had the ring, or how long he had been carrying it. He took your left hand, placing it back where it rightfully resided. Tears fell from your eyes. He never did officially ask you to marry him last time; it was implied. But hearing the words out of his mouth, you broke down completely, happiness flooding through your body. You nodded vigorously, both of you smiling like idiots. He kissed you sweetly, reigniting the fire burning within you as soon as his lips made contact with your skin. 

You tackled him down into the sand, kissing him hungrily. You felt his hands run down to your butt, and he pulled you closer, moaning as you gyrated against him. You nibbled at his earlobe and he shuddered beneath you, his manhood pressing teasingly on your sweet spot. He pulled your sweater off of your shoulders, leaning up and planting gentle kisses on both of them. He moved slowly, taking in every curve of your body and making you shake with anticipation. He smirked, absolutely loving the effect he had on you. You felt his hands slide up your dress, grasping your hips. You bucked against him impatiently, and he smiled against your lips. You broke away, panting, and reached your hand down to his zipper, releasing him from the confines of his pants and lowering yourself onto him.

The large barrier of rocks worked together with the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore to conceal the two of you making love. In fact, if you hadn’t been so preoccupied, you might have noticed the increased intensity of the waves as your pleasure mounted within you, masking each cry of ecstasy that escaped your lips.

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