Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Good morning, beautiful. I'm happy you're here."

I smiled at him.

"Good morning. Is your face okay? I'm sorry I distracted you."

He chuckled.

"My face is fine. And don't apologize. It's those...leggings."

I looked down at my leggings, confused.

"My leggings? What's wrong with them?"

Jake approached us.

"What's wrong with them? Nothing. They just make your ass look real nice."

Dakota growled at Jake and he chuckled.

"Hey dude, I'm just being honest."

I could feel my face heating up and Dakota turned around, lunging for Jake. They both tumbled back to the ground and I stared at them with wide eyes. Sarah rolled her eyes and Alpha Fisher laughed at them.

"Alright, ignore those two. Come over here, Olivia. Sarah and I will start working with you."

I nodded and followed them a bit away from the boys who were rolling around in the grass.

"Alright Olivia, focus on us, not them. We're just gonna start with the basics today okay? Just your basic fighting - punching, kicking, blocking."

I focused on Alpha Fisher as he started his lesson.



I wiped my forehead off, drenched in sweat. My body was sore as I bent my knees, circling around Sarah on the sparring mat. Dakota and Jake had gone inside to get some lunch but I opted to stay out here and continue practicing. Alpha Fisher taught me the proper ways to punch and block earlier this morning. He saw that I had some fighting skills and decided he wanted to put them to the test against Sarah. For the past few hours, I've been getting my ass handed to me by Sarah.

She grabbed my arms and threw me back onto the ground and I groaned, the wind getting knocked out of me.

I laid there for a moment, catching my breath before I pushed myself to my feet. Sarah raised a brow at me before looking back at her dad. He smiled a bit, shaking his head at me.

"How in the hell are you still standing?" Sarah asked.

I used my shirt to wipe off my face.

"I'm used to getting beaten and getting back up as if it didn't happen."

Sarah and Alpha Fisher were silent and I shrugged.

"Come on, again."

Sarah looked back at her dad and he nodded. She sighed and shrugged, turning back towards me.

This time. This time...we will win.

Sarah bent her knees, beginning to move around on the mat and I did the same, following her movements.

She sent a few jabs my way which I blocked. She growled, frustrated that I kept blocking her jabs.

Suddenly, a fist came flying towards me and I ducked, surprised.

"Sarah, what the hell!"

She growled again and I stared at her with wide eyes, afraid at the aggression she was showing now.

I looked back at Alpha Fisher who just watched, waiting to see what was going to happen.

I dodged to the right as another fist came towards me, taking a few steps back to put distance between us.

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