Da revenge of the shsl priestie

853 49 47

Togameme and Donold tRumPEt were iN aN oN-OfF rElAtioNshIp. DeY gOt mArrIed & dIvOrceD eVerYdaY. HAjiBOo fELT hE wAs bEinG oVerwOrked aNd sHouLd gEt a rAiSe. HE quIt bEinG a pRiestIe anD gOt mArrIed tO [Character of choice bc I donT WANNA GET ATTACKED BY FANGIRLS LIEK PLS NU IM TRYING FAM [bTw u cAN iNseRt uRseLf k?]

Hajibooboo & [C/O/C] deciDed tO pRaNk tHe hAppy, hoepful coUPal.

Dey fLushEd dem bOth dOwn tHe toIleT & rAn aWaY.

BYe-bYe shsl priestie.


[C/O/C]- Character of Choice


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