Chapter 1

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Mitch POV

I sit by myself eyeing a boy dancing clearly intoxicated. I take another shot and walk over to him.

"Hey cutie." He says.

"Oh hey.." I say.

We start dancing and I realize my plan is working.

Scott POV

While pacing around the apartment I pull out my phone and call Mitch for the 8th time tonight. It's currently 3 in the morning and I'm thinking to myself,

He's probably out with someone better than you.

I can't help but think that when he is doing things like this.

I text him,

S- Mitchie

S- Are you okay

S- you worry me

S- you need to stop this

S-it's not healthy.

S- sorry.

S- You are probably having so much fun

S- goodnight

S- ily

I give up and walk towards my shower.

Mitch POV

I wake up the next day in that boy's bed. He is gone. There's a note on the door to the bathroom.
Went to go see my girlfriend call me xoxo
Then it said his number.
I turned on my phone and soon realized I had 2% left.  As soon as I unlocked my phone and went to check my texts my phone died.
"Shit!" I mumbled.
I sat on the bed and cried.
I thought of how we would talk for hours after a bad day.
I love him .
I thought to myself
After about an hour I collected my things and left.

it's about 3:10 on a Sunday and I am non stop calling Mitch. He has never been out this long.
"Hello, Mitch? Where are you? I am really getting worried. Love u... NEVERMIND! Uh. Sorry. Call me back..."

How's it going?!?
Sorry I haven't posted in FOREVER I've just been really busy lately...
Anyways here is my new fanfic I hope you like it...
I will be posting hopefully once a week maybe more. 

Sorry if I don't life is just a b*tch 

So if u have any ideas I'd love to hear them
- Mickey

Because I love youWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt