chapter 3

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I was taking a bath when Draco had sneaked into the bathroom and asked me out to the Yule Ball. Now that's a seriously creepy and bad dream. But then I remembered that that wasn't a dream: It had happened only a few minutes (or was it hours?) ago.

I gasped and resurfaced from my blackout. No way had that just happened. I thought that Draco had only had eyes for Pansy Dracosbuttkisser Parkinson! What was going on with him?

I started getting up when two muscular and slightly warm hands pushed me down again.

"No Pasta, if you get up you're going to faint again," Draco told me in a soft and caring voice.

I shoved him out of the way and glared at him angrily.

"What's your problem?" I yelled at him, " you stalked me in the bath and now you expect me to go to the Yule Ball with you after you saw me naked? No way! Draco Malfoy, you better get your ass and your mouth away from me! Understand?" I probably sounded lime I was yelling at a two year old but I didn't care.

"Fine I'll keep away from you for now," he smirked," but first I gotta do this."

Oh god. I knew exactly what that meant.

I bitch slapped him so hard that he flew into the wall at the end of the infirmary, and Madam Pomfrey started screaming her butt off.

Geez, where was she when I had yelled at Draco and he'd tried to kiss me? Faggot...

Madam Pomfrey picked him up carefully and set him on the bed next to me and glared at me.

"Pasta! I do not want you to disturb your visitors everytime they try to talk to you!"

I glared at her with cold eyes," He was more lime being a jerk and trying to kiss me!"

She rolled her eyes and walked away.


I heard soft laughter coming from the bed next to me. I thought it was Draco, and I was ready to beat him up again. But he was passed out cold. I looked to the bed on the othe side of me, and saw a red head grinning at me. What was gis name.. Fred Weasley? Or was it George?

" Hey that was an awesome slap you got there girl," he smiled widely so his dimples showed," I didn't know any girl in Hogwarts was capable or standing up to Draco, much less beating him up!"

I started to feel a bit ashamed about what I had done." Well," I blushed," he's my best friend and it's pretty easy to do that. He just pissed me off, so you know.." Dang this guy had a way of charming girls.

He laughed happily. "Wow I didn't know Draco had friends. I though he only had minions." He extended his hand kindly. "I'm George Weasley. And you are...?"

I grasped his hand firmly and shook it." I'm Pasta Rocha. It's very nice to meet you George. Aren't you and your brother The Gryffindor Troublemakers or something?"

He gently let go of my hand and nodded. "Oh yes, defintely. Fred and I always have a few tricks up our sleeves."

I nodded. "No really,"I told him sarcastically.

He raised an eyebrow and pertended to be offended. "Of course cockroach," he winked and gave me a toothy smile. Dang this boy was smokin'!

"So, are you going to the Yule Ball tomorrow?" I asked him conversationally.

"I don't know Pasta. I haven't got a date yet even though Fred wants to hook me up with Katie Bell."

"I see. Are you going to go with Katie then? Don't you like her?" I asked confused.

George shook his head. "No, she's not my type. I do have someone I do want to ask though. We just met recently and she's so funny and strong. Well I don't exactly know about the funny part but I bet she is..."

"Really? Is she a Gryffindor?" I asked, even though I knew George must be talking about me.

"No she's a Slytherin, and I was going to ask her because she doesn't have a date for the ball.."

I couldn't stand it any longer." Ok ok no need go compliment me further! I'll go with you to the ball even though we don't know each other at all."

"Cool," George grinned," but I got a problem. I don't know if I'll be out of the hospital by tomorrow."

"Oh okay," I told him," Well I guess I should have a back up date in case you don't go okay?"

"Sure," he said," you can go with my brother Ron tonight. And also," he whispered in an undertone," we're meeting up in the room of requirement tonight. Just go to the seventh level at midnight, walk by a gray brick wall 3 times while concentrating on Fred and George's party, and go in."

"Cool," I said," but wait.. You're going too? I thought you aren't supposed to leave the affirmary?"

He smiled mischivously and winked." of course I'm going. This is going to be a night no one will forget."

I didn't like the way he said that, but I couldn't wait for the party tonight otherwise.

Frosty Love- A Ron Weasley love storyWhere stories live. Discover now