Skylox (Amulet)

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Sky gently tapped his fingers on the amulet, his golden eyes staring at it intensely, from the shock that filled him when he spotted a crack in it.

The crack was glowing dimly, a power source surrounded the area, the aura was slightly from a tug in his chest that made him want to kill.

He had a frown plastered onto his face, seemingly unsatisfied with the threat, but had a rosen fear.

He then twirled the amulet around his hands, furrowing his eyebrows as light reflected off of the gem, the large window highlighting the gold that was keeping the gem tight in place.

He had sat there for about a few moments, in silence, not minding the dust particles that surrounded him, his other leg was slightly draping over the armrest, his elbow propped up on the other armrest as it kept him steady.



Startled, Sky drops the amulet as it lands back on his chest. His eyes dart to the door, widening when he heard footsteps shuffle behind it.

"Uh, sky?" A muffled voice calls out, painfully familiar.

Sky felt frozen, not moving an inch as the visitor turns the knob with a click.

The door opens, revealing a tall male that wore green headphones, its glow matched the intensity of his amulet.

"Yeah?" He gulps, he hadn't meant to say that, thinking it was an instinct from all the responses he made whenever an ambassador or a secretary came into his office.

His arm flopped down onto his lap, looking at the taller male that stood in the doorway with a box.

"We need to talk," Ty pauses, noting the panicked expression that flashed across Sky's face. The male hesitantly took a step inside the room, shutting the door behind him and sucking in a breath through his teeth.

"You haven't been the same lately, you barely go to picnics, celebrations or the cool shit we used to do." Ty says, muttering the last part as he holds in a breath.

He looks up at Sky, expression unreadable but the thoughts that were going through his mind were all what happened? Did someone hurt you? Are we doing something wrong?

Half of the time, he thought Merome would try to cheer him up overtime, or even Jason and Ian, hell, the whole team would try to cheer him up or talk to him.

He wasn't sure how he was going to start this conversation, but he shrugs it off and goes with his thoughts.

"Wanna talk about it?"

Sky hesitated, lifting up his sunglasses to rest on top of his head. He could see Ty better, for a fact, but the room was more brighter than he was used to.

Ty's red eyes met with Sky's, a golden color that reminded him of a piece of gold that the sunlight hit, making it glow. He holds his breath- he never really saw Sky's eyes a lot, even in the nightime.

Sky's voice broke the silence.

"Yeah, guess I need to tell the truth, but how'd you even find me here anyways?" He questions, looking away, which was a signal for Deadlox to sit in the chair next him. He sighs.

"By random thought, I guess?" Deadlox shrugs, taking a seat next to the brunet before staring at the window that illuminated the both of them. Sky grumbles.

"I've just been off lately because... My amulet cracked." Deadlox raises a brow, generally surprised but at the same time found it quite funny that a piece of jewelry could affect a person's behavior that much.

Sky glares at him with a 'I'm being serious' look.

"The amulet is rare, the only ones I could find are Ant's and mine, I don't think I've ever found another person who wore it." He says, glancing back at the window. "There's like, 0.001 left in the world." Sky chuckles and Deadlox found himself smiling.

"It's special-important, to me, to the army. It contains things-I'm not ready to tell you just yet." Deadlox nods, registering why it was so special to Sky.

"But since it had cracked, I expect you to avoid me at all costs, desperate or not, the amulet is very dangerous to you." He sighed leaning his head back in displeasure. Combing a hand through his hair.

"How is it dangerous?"

"I thought I explained it to you-Just don't touch me." Ty made a poker face, sky wasn't being honest and it made him care for the brunet more, he wasn't satisfied with his answer either.

Sky stared at the Dusty wooden floor, a look of ashame flooding in his eyes as he frowned, not wanting to meat the taller me's gaze.

The akward silence grew larger, spreading across the air and landing in between them.

Ty felt the uneasiness of his friend, but had an idea that popped up on his mind that made him smirk.

"So, If I do touch you, what would happen?" Ty questions, causing Sky get caught off​ guard.

"Uh-what-!?" Sky stuttered, thinking about the sentence until he was pulled by the amulet, yelping as it brought him with it.

He was about to shout a profanity but was assaulted by a pair of soft lips crashing onto his.

Yelping, his heart hammers through his chest, barely giving him any time to adjust to the fireworks that were exploding on the inside.

The two interwined their fingers, Sky barely registering the movement as his face heats up. He could feel electricity spike up his veins, power rising from the center of his ribs. Ty must have felt it too- somehow managed to keep Sky's powers calm despite the adrenaline that kicked in from shock.

Not the one to ruin the fun, his eyes flutter shut-minus the furrowed eyebrows.

After a moment, they pulled away, deeply breathing as one another looked at each other. The crack was barely noticeable by now, may be even gone.



"HAAHHH BIII!" Bodil grinned, camera in hand, pulling bash with him as they ran, bash laughed, running along with the crazy-ass bulgarian and ignoring the threats coming from the couple.

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