Drama 37: Sister vs Sister

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The next day (Saturday)

Natsu P.O.V

I was at home sleeping when my door was slammed open. I quickly sat up, looking to see who could have broken into my home.

"Natsu! Dad-"

I picked up my pillow and threw it at Zeref, causing him to stop yelling. "What the hell Zeref?! I'm trying to sleep!"

Of course it would be my stupid brother to barge into my home...


I made shush noises keeping him from saying what he was about to say. I could see his irritated expression, and he was slowly growing angry. Finally, he lost his patience. "DAD'S IN THE HOSPITAL!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

I sat there in silence, trying to process what he just said. "Dad's...in the hospital...?"

"Yes! The maids told me he collapse this morning; his cancer came back!"

I layed back down and covered myself with my sheets, "He can go to hell for all I care."

"Natsu! Don't be like that! Our Father is in the hospital dying and you don't care?!"

"You bet~" I said happily.

"Fine!" He then walked out and slammed the door behind him. Moments later the door opened again, "You're really not coming?"

I lifted up my fingers into a peace sign, signaling him to go.

He closed the door again, leaving me wrapped up in my blanket.


I was cooking when all I could think about was the old man. I quickly turned off the stove and moved the pot. "Why can't I ever not care?"

I grabbed my jacket and walked out my house to see my old man.


I down the hospital halls to meet my oldman. I entered his room and saw him laying in the hospital. My heart dropped and sorrow consumed my heart. The man I always knew as the strong, powerful, Igneel Dragneel, was laying in a hospital bed, weak and fragile.

I took a deep breath and walked up to him. "Looks like someone's getting old," I joked.

"Shaddup. I'm only 55."

"More like 70."

He then lifted himself up, trying to sit up right to face me.

I sat down on the chair besides him, waiting for him to get comfortable so I could talk.

"So-" we both said at the same time. I quickly shut my mouth, signaling him to speak first.

"Natsu, you know how I said I would give you a year to get married?"

I slowly nodded my head, hoping he wasn't going to say anything bad.

"Well, I'm changing it. Your getting married to Cana in May. I already talked to Gildarts about it and he said he'll be more than happy to move up the date."

I stood up furiously, causing the chair to fall onto the floor. "What?! You can't do that!"

He raised his hand telling me to calm down. "Natsu, sit down and listen to me. I don't have much time left and I want to see my grandchildren before I go. So please, do this for me."

"No! I'm not going to have children with a girl I don't even know or love!" I paced around the room angrily, turning to yell at him again, "You make it seem as if you're gonna die tomorrow! Knowing you, you'll be alive for the life time of my own grandkids, so I don't see why you're rushing me!"

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