15 ∞ mistake

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Day Four  ∞  Monday

IT WAS AFTER TWO IN THE MORNING when the van rolled into Albany. Mac dropped Lora off at the "Transportation Center" without a word and without looking at her—exactly as she wanted. She stood under the streetlight with bag in hand, looking around. There was not much activity happening in this area: a few vehicles drove by, regulated by the stoplights at the intersection, and the transport center was closed with a single bus parked behind the building.

She found a bench at the street corner and sat down, back straight, placing the bag beside her. For a while she remained unmoving, feeling the exhaustion setting in as she probed her surroundings with her senses. There were no threats approaching, but she could not relax yet.

She reached inside her bag, groped around and pulled out a rehydration pouch. She tore off the end with her teeth and sucked out the content, rolled up the empty sleeve and pushed it into a side pocket where it would eventually disintegrate. Then she found a nutripack to still her hunger. As she thoroughly masticated the grainy mix, she turned her eyes toward the noisy approach of five motorcycles entering the intersection from the other side of the street. Three of the bikes had double occupants, and there was a lot of shouting and bantering. They turned left and soon after two large convertible cars followed.

Her eyes gleamed as she watched the tail lights recede and disappear. She was going to have to find a way to acquire a two-wheeler like that. But not tonight. She sighed and poured some more of the mix into her mouth. It was not the best way of consuming it, although it was a fully balanced meal in itself. She didn't have the means with her to convert it to its more palatable form. That was also something to consider. Three weeks solely on her supplies was not an appealing thought.

She finished her portion, the gnawing hunger temporarily satisfied. She felt immensely tired. She had been going nonstop for almost eighty hours: getting her ship reactivated, getting to this planet, getting here. She needed to rest. But she would have to settle for sentry rest this time. She activated her collar to warn her of proximity breach and placed her bag across her lap with her hands on top. Then she lowered her gaze to a spot in the middle of the street and let her consciousness sink to her core.

She didn't get to rest long. A "Police" car pulled up in front of her.

"Hello... Miss? You shouldn't be sitting out here alone at night. It's not safe."

Lora raised her head to meet the officer's gaze. "I wait on the transport center."

"That's another two hours. Why don't you come with me down to the station and wait there until it opens? It's much safer."

"Thank you. I shall remain here." Just a gentle mental nudge should be enough, she thought. She wanted to be left alone.

The officer looked her over. "Okay... Well, I'll keep an eye out for you during my watch."

She nodded once. "Thank you." She watched as the car drove off, then returned to resting mode with her eyes open.

Danny woke up with mixed feelings. Had he been dreaming? For a while he lay staring at the ceiling, checking himself. There was a deep, still joy that filled his entire being. He smiled at it, realizing that he'd never woken up to such a feeling before. At the same time, there was the gnawing apprehension of not knowing in the pit of his stomach. 

No, he hadn't been dreaming. Yesterday wasn't a dream. It was real. He was feeling this way because of the girl in the guest room. 

Shadow Of The Past Trilogy ∞ THE DISPLACEDWhere stories live. Discover now