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Tiffany POV

 When will I find the one? I kept thinking that. My best friend , Sophia, and I we find the one this summer. So far we have got nothing!

"Sophia, shut up!! If you want to go partying tonight go! I DON'T CARE!!" I yelled at her. I was so frustrated! All she cares about is partying, she never does anything else. She is so immature! I know i sound like a mother its just that I have always been the responsible one. One time she laughed at my grandpa's funeral, because she thought the priest said butt and then got drunk when the were putting the body in and threw bear on the coffin!!!!!!!! I will never forgive her for that! I know your laughing but its not funny! Sophia looked shocked; I never yell at anyone.

"Are you okay?" She asked me worried.

"Yeah sorry, just frustrated from school." I lied.

"Oh." was her reply. We didn't talk for the whole ride home. After a while I gave up.

''I'm sorry!" I cried.

"I know you are." she said.

"Then why won't you talk to me?" I asked desperately.

"Cause Im tired of talking." she said. I started laughing the whole way back.

Peter POV

   Dinner was dreadful. My dad kept talking about how much he hates his job. He just doesn't understand we can do nothing about it.!

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