(29) Demi - First Attempt

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(29) Demi - First Attempt

I understand that I may have to talk to Kale Atticus. If he was going on dates with Kelsea, then he must have some information.

I feel sick after the party last night, and Wes Strand is imprinted in my memory as I lie in bed with the harsh March sun penetrating my curtains. I always wanted blackout material on the back, but my parents always wanted me up early.

After taking some paracetamol and water, and applying moisturiser to my chapped lips since I don't have any lip balm, I sneak out of the room to the bathroom. My parents are talking downstairs, their voices loud and playful, and for a second it is as if I'm witnessing their first date.

I can not take it anymore so I turn on the shower very high until I can only hear water and water and water.


Fifteen minutes later I sneak out the back door with wet hair and my woollen coat on without saying hello nor goodbye to my parents.

Just because it's sunny, doesn't mean it's warm. That's what days in March teach you.

I used to love how Kelsea only lived two blocks away. I could walk to her everyday and have no problem. But now I'm trying to be extra slow because I really do not know what I am going to say to Kale, who I feel like I know so much from reading about in Kelsea's diary.

It's like he is a book character, and I must say that Kelsea was a very good author.

But Kale Atticus is really real, he really exists, and now I am standing outside his house. And I think I know him, but I don't.

I did talk to him occasionally - one conversation that sticks out is the summer when we were fifteen and Kelsea hated him and she had gone to buy us ice creams and I had to look after little Lucy in the garden. Kale was on his bike, having just been to the skatepark, I think. And he came over with a grinning face.

"Hi, Demi," he'd said.

"Um, I'm not really supposed to talk to you," I had told him, receiving an eyebrow raise and a confident laugh.

"Oh yeah? Why."

I had concentrated hard on making my all-of-a-sudden daisy chain, because I did think he was handsome, sixteen year old Kale with his straw-coloured hair and mystical green eyes. But Kelsea did not like him, so neither could I.

As I got dirt underneath my fingernails, he crouched down beside me after waiting for my answer that didn't come.

"Daisychains, huh?"

"Hmm. Look, Kale." I finally glanced up at him. "Go away, would you?"

"Why do you let Kelsea dictate you, and all that?" He laughed with amusement dancing in his eyes, so much that I felt my cheeks burn with humiliation.

"Who says that?"

"I do. I mean, why do you not like me? Do you actually not like me, or is it her?"

I didn't answer, and after a while he got up and left.

And now I think that's very funny because he chose the one who was turning people against him - not that it was between Kelsea and me or anything - and now I'm the one who is looking for him, too.

Even though it is reluctantly.


Kale Atticus's mother is a woman who I would describe as conventionally attractive, with her tanned arms and bright blonde hair. She gives me a sparkling, inquisitive look when she answers the door.

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