“He was alright.” I say.

That’s when Leslie, Mel and all the others arrived.

“Hi Flo!” Chirps Leslie, linking her arm in mine. “What’s up?”

“Stuff.” I say shortly.

“Who is your friend?” Leslie asks innocently. “I’ve never spoken to her before.”

Strangely, it is Mel who speaks up, “Her name is Katia Freeman.”

“Oh, you know her?” Inquires Leslie in disdain.

“Yeah, we’re... friends.” Mel confirms after a side ways glance at Katia.

“Really.” Leslie looks mildly interested. “Okay. Wanna come outside Flo, and watch the football?”

“Me and Katia would love to.” I say, emphasizing the “me and Katia”

To my surprise, Leslie does not object, neither do Mel or Rubia. “Okay.”


I should have known that for Leslie and her friends, watching the football is just like being a cheerleader. They’re all giggling and yelling, “Go Casper!!” Nonstop to the captain of the football team.

“I can’t wait to get out of here.” I mutter to Katia who smiles grimly.

“Yeah, well. Casper is just that kind of guy. He’s Logan’s best friend, and captain of the team. He’s very popular, as much as Logan.”

I realize that I know very little about Logan’s friends, and I make a mental note to have lunch with them one day.

A half hour later, the game is finally over. I sigh gladly.

“Well I’m leaving.” Katia says. “Do you need a ride back, Flo?”

“Oh, I’m fine.” I say. “But thanks anyway. I’ll walk.”

“Okay.” she fishes out her car keys and gets ready to leave.

“I wouldn’t mind a ride, Katia.”

I freeze as Mel speaks these words. How could she ask Katia for a ride after all she’s done? Does she have no conscience??

Katia is also immobile, her eyes fixed on Mel. Mel in turn, stares insolently back.

When Katia speaks, her voice is controlled. “Mel, you live like, ten minutes walk away.”

“I know.” Mel pleads innocently, “But my legs are really hurting from P.E. Please Kat?”

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